Thursday, August 18, 2011

Throwing in the towel!!!

I really hoped that Maggie and me would make a pair.  We started out good but once she was "at home" her true colors came out.  I'm happy that she is attached to me but she is my shadow and that is our problem.  She will not let me get out of her sight and she has discovered she can climb the chain link fence.

The first time I thought she had jumped it as I parked the golf cart close to it but the other evening when I went to visit my neighbor to inquire about his wife and how she was doing, I watched as she literally climbed over the gate.  Once she was in his yard, she found a place where she could climb over his fence and when I came out of the house later, there she was laying in front of his front door.

I put her back into the yard and we stood there and watched as she climbed up and over and was right back to where we were.  I managed to get her home and into my yard and scolded her and for a couple of days everything was fine.

Well, as fine as it could be.  Since she is a puppy she is in to everything but she decided the cats bowls were something that needed to be destroyed and she did a good job on them.  I started putting up the others overnight but have to keep an eye on her during the day.  Since the cats are nibblers, their food lasts most of the day while she manages to gobble hers down in nothing flat.

Since Maggie has discovered she can go over the fence, anything or anyone who attracts her attention is fair game and she is gone.  Having a neighbor who thinks he has to be the best friend to every dog in the area by giving them treats or special attention, he has aggravated the situation since she has learned how to get into his yard now.  He has been warned by every dog owner around here to please not give treats or try to make friends with their dogs as some have them as watch dogs and when he does that, he is ruining them as they will overcome their protectiveness thinking a stranger will give them a treat.  He just doesn't understand and insists he is doing nothing wrong. 

Well now he has ruined my dog and I am going to have to throw in the towel and find her another home or take her to the shelter so maybe they can find a home for her.

She was out this morning and I got a call at 8:00 AM from another neighbor to tell me she was out.  I tried to get her back but a trash company came and she was off again with the men petting and loving on her and she refused to come home.  I had to leave as I had to go to the grocery store and she only came back so far and laid in the yard but would not go into the fenced yard.  I left not knowing if she would be here when I returned or not.

To my surprise, she was in the neighbor's yard.  The gate was open and I don't know if he purposely opened it for her to go in or not.  But he was paying her attention as I drove up.  I opened the gate and drove in and left them open in hopes she would come home.  Instead, he went around the side of his house and she followed.  Not sure if he coaxed her or not.  When I saw him go inside later, I went out to call her and finally got her home.

It is a shame as I thought maybe she might be what I was looking for and needed but I don't think it is going to work out for us after all.  I just hope we can find her a home where she can have the attention she needs and the freedom to run and not be a bother to anyone

I know I'm not the most patient person but I have tried and now I will give up.  I've done all that I can do but until I can control the outside sources, our relationship will never work.  The saddest part is that I really like the dog.  But she is still a puppy and I'm not sure the two of us can survive each other for another year and a half or maybe more.  And she may never grow out of this as she is a very friendly dog who does not know a stranger.  I guess I should have realized this the day they brought her and she just came in as if she owned the place and never once was leery of me or barked at me.  But I chalked it up to being a puppy and wanting to explore new surroundings.

I want the best for her.  She deserves it.  So I'll throw the towel in and guess I'll buy a security system since I can't find the right dog for me.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


It has been a week since Maggie arrived.  She was dumped at a friend's house so we have no idea where she came from or what kind of life she had.  But when they couldn't keep her, I volunteered to take her since I've been looking for a dog and finding that she was a German Shepherd mix was perfect as I wanted a German Shepherd.

When they brought Maggie into the yard and let her go, she immediately took off like gang busters to see the cats.  Well, that didn't go as well as she planned as several ran for the trees while a few brave ones hissed and spit and ran towards her.  So then it was off to explore the new surroundings.  She had to check every corner and every inch around the fence, the outer shed and buildings and then moved back towards the house.  She hadn't discovered that there was more yard on the south side of the house.

Her attention was brought back to the cats.  Now, she only had good intentions.  She saw them as playmates but of course they saw her as a threat and since this was their territory, they were going to hold it and let her know they were in charge.

The first day was her day to investigate and that she did.  She finally discovered the whole yard and when I would go check on her, she came running, so glad to see me.  That evening, as I went out to water the Cherry tree and shrubs, she climbed up on the golf cart with me and rode for a ways.  She didn't seem to mind it but when I got off, she got off.  She had to help as I filled the watering can.  She thought the water was for her and tried to drink it from the sprayer.  I think she must have some Lab in her as she sure loves water.

I wondered how she would do that first night as I had not heard a whimper or bark out of her since her arrival.  She was so curious about those cats and learned in a hurry that she was not to invade their territory.

When I got up the next morning, I had to go to the store to get some food and I wondered how I would get the car out without her running out the gate.  I did find out that she knew a few commands, one being "Stay" which she would move away from me and either sit or lay down until I moved and then she would come to me.  As much as I hated to do it, I knew I had to let her know that the open gate was off limits.  So I got the BB gun and it only took one pop to the hip and she didn't come near it.  Now, all it takes it the shaking and she knows she has to go back and stay away.

When I returned, I managed to get back inside the fenced area and when I got out of the car, I could hear the cries of a kitten.  I went to investigate with Maggie walking along side of me.  I saw the kitten high up in a tree, along with two other cats who were a little older.  Two of the mama cats were on the ground, worried about the crying kitten so high up.

Maggie felt safe by me but as I walked closer to the tree, the mama cats didn't like her being there at all and came at her.  I heard a loud yelp as they both got to her.  She tripped over the cement blocks that were stacked up from my daughter's trailer spot and as she got up, the two females cats went after her as she ran for her life around to the back of the house to hide somewhere.

I came inside, put my groceries away and went out to give her some of the puppy food I had bought.  She was being very cautious and had learned to make a wide berth around the cats.

The one thing I have noticed was that Maggie never does anything slowly.  It is fast and faster.  She will run and not walk, unless I am with her and she has to walk with me.  The rest of the time, she is on a trot or run.  I found some dog toys that I had from my other dogs and gave them to her.  The favorite is a rubber bone that squeaks.  She will run back and forth with it, not wanting to play catch, but just running back and forth until she drops.

She was still trying to get those cats to play with her but due to the heat, she found a cool place and spent most of the afternoon into early evening lying in the cool spot.  We went out to do the watering and I decided I wanted to see how she would do on a leash.  No problem.  She walked along as if it was the most normal thing ever.  I was really pleased but still had a doubt since I had not heard her bark and I was concerned that maybe she couldn't bark.  I wanted her to train as a watch dog so I was trying to think of something that would make her bark but nothing was working.

That evening I went next door to visit my neighbor and parked the golf cart near the walk through gate between our yards.  I told Maggie to stay and she sat down next to the golf cart as I went through the gate and over to the house.  I was about ready to step up on their porch when I heard her bark.  I was pleased but hoped she wouldn't bark the whole time I was there.  She didn't because when we came out a little later, we found her in their yard.  We still haven't figured out how she got there unless she got onto the golf cart and jumped over the fence or gate.  But she was there waiting for me to come out.  She came with me and rode on the golf cart on the way back to our house.

Since then, it has been a daily routine of feeding her and then the cats and making sure she understands that she has her own food and has to leave theirs alone.  She rides with me to go water and we have play time in the evening.  And she has barked a few times since then so I keep hoping with some training, she will learn to bark to warn me if there is danger.

She knows her name now and when I tell her 'no', she seems to learn after a couple of times, except for the jumping but today she was better so again, maybe we are making progress.I think one day we will be close friends and will understand what each of us wants and will have a great relationship.  Just as she is working towards one with the cats and has made friends with a couple of them. Again her only problem is that she comes up on a run and they aren't sure what her intentions are so are on the defensive, but I'm sure that will end soon too, once she realizes they don't like her running up to them or maybe they will just get used to it and ignore her and she will stop.  I'm leaving that up to them to work out as I don't want to be in the middle of a mad cat and a playful dog.

I admit I'm not a person with patience and since I'm not a real big dog fan, this is a trying time for both Maggie and me, but I will say this, she isn't going to leave me alone and demands my attention and maybe there is a soft spot in this old heart because I may get angry with her when she is being kind of bad, but I can't help but love her.  I know she loves me.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Sunrise to Sunset

Being alone gives me a lot of time to think.  Now, that might be a good thing or maybe not but at least it keeps the mind active and that is good.  When I'm not sitting here at the computer writing, I like to do something to keep the cobwebs away.  I have a stack of books just waiting to be read but will probably save those for the winter time when I can just curl up on a cold day and get lost for a few hours.  I enjoy working Cryptograms and try to solve a couple of them every day.  The rest of the time, I find some way to "think".  Even watching TV will trigger thoughts some times and remembrances.

I think this really hit home last week when my very good friend collapsed and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance.  I've watched over the last few years as she has slowly slipped away into her own world, one in which she couldn't share with anyone and occasionally try to come back into ours.  The world of Dementia is a cruel thing, it destroys the mind in such a way that the person is still there, still caring, still being cared for but not completely whole.

But my friend refused help from her family and friends.  I think she knew and was afraid to admit it was taking over.  She was losing control and I think all of us would fight as long as we could too.  But when she fell and still refused help, her husband knew it couldn't continue and called for help when he couldn't get her up.  She's been put through test after test and discovered she'd had a small heart attack.  She'd never had any heart problems so it was a shock to all of us.  However, medication and rest seems to be helping her and now that she is back on her Diabetes medication, which she had not been taking, her physical health is improving.  But not the mental health as with Dementia, there is no cure.  They may be able to give her something to help a little while but it will never go away and it is only delaying the inevitable.  But with our loved ones, we want to do everything we can and keep them with us as long as we can.

So as I sat on my porch one night enjoying the warm night, I thought about life.  It is kind of like a day.  We rise at Sunrise and we go to work or school or play during the day and then after Sunset, we go to bed.  Life is a lot like a day.

Sunrise is the birth of a day and also represents our birth and just as the sun inches its way up over the horizon, as infants we slowly grow and change until the day dawns bright and we continue to grow.  We learn, we work, we play and we spend the daylights hours living our life.  Sunset brings that time when we begin to slow down.  We retire and become less active as we reflect back on what the day has produced and as the sun sets we go off to slumberland.

So our lives are like a day.  Just as the sun rises and sets each day and brings with it the sunshine and the rain, the warmth and the cold, we laugh, we cry, we love and we grieve.  And when the slumberland comes, I know that I will have lived my day to the fullest.

I've had my Sunrise and I'm having a wonderful day as I head for the Sunset.  I have the love of my family and my friends and wonderful memories that can never be forgotten.