I'm not complaining but I just wonder where it went this year. We have had one of the mildest winters in a long, long time and I for one am very grateful. We have had a few cold days and even a little snow but not like the past few winters and I have to admit that it has been very nice.
The aches and pains that come with the cold weather have been absent and the blahs that accompany days of being closed up in a house have been few as well.
When I was a youngster, I could hardly wait for winter and the snow. But then I was young, no pains or aches and it was so much fun to get the old sled out and go sledding or to build a snow man or snow castle to have snowball fights. It was fun to lie in the snow to make snow angels and no matter what the temperature, I would stay outside until I was almost frost bitten.
But now, that I've reached these golden years, I detest the cold and I can live without the snow. I don't plan to do any sledding at my age or I would end up with more than just aches and pains. I don't mind staying inside on a cold blustery day where it is warm and cozy.
I remember how I used to look forward to getting that new winter coat every year and now I'll wear the same one year after year after year, the only requirement is that it will keep me warm against those cold winds.
For the past couple of days, it has been warm and sunny and almost spring like. I think I'm getting the fever but I know that there are still some cold days ahead of us and maybe even more snow but the weatherman keeps saying it is unlikely or if so, just a dusting or so. Of course, that could mean we could see a blizzard before Miss Spring officially steps out for her debut.
She is teasing with the daffodils up and budded with an occasional bloom now and then. She would like to bud out the trees but is just hinting at it for now, but if this nice weather continues, I know her enthusiasm will overflow and she won't be able to contain herself.
So if Mr. Winter is mild this year, we'll give him the time to rest as long as Miss Spring will be allowed to stay with us for awhile. She can warm us gradually as we ease into Miss Summer with her long and very warm days and nights.
Keeping fingers crossed that Mr. Winter has decided to take a long rest and that Miss Spring will be sprouting her beauty soon.