I've meant to come in and write something all month but it seemed there was always something coming up and I'd miss the opportunity.
April 1st, April Fool's Day. Luckily I didn't have any pranks pulled on me and unfortunately I didn't pull any on anyone else. But I guess that is a good thing.
Easter. I can remember Easter past when we would have an egg hunt and the kids were here for dinner and we would gather for a mini reunion but this year I was alone. I didn't even get the Easter Egg collection out. The family is scattered and working or have their own things to do which is normal as families grow and get involved in their own lives. Sometimes I wonder though if we should make a more concentrated effort to get back to the way we used to do things. We are in such a rat race anymore. Now, there are circumstances and I certainly understand them. Sometimes it is necessary to work just to survive. Especially in this day and age. The economy has deteriorated until it makes it almost impossible sometimes to do the things we have done in the past.
With high gas prices, we can't just get into the car and drive to see the family without seeing where we have to cut something out of the budget so we can afford the trip. And then there is the cost of extras for a trip, food or even lodging at times. And of course, there is the every day survival.
But I talked with my family and I won't complain as I know it is a fact of life that it changes and sometimes we cannot control those changes so we learn how to live with them.
This has been a weird month with the weather, starting out very warm and I called the serviceman to checkout the a/c and since then haven't had the warm weather to even use it. There are days when the furnace clicks on due to the damp chilly day or a chilly night. We've had our fair share of storms and rain and I hope we don't float away but at the same time I don't want the fountain to shut off completely as I dread another hot dry summer.
This past week has been something else. It started out nice after all the horrible weather we had over the previous weekend with the tornadoes and bad storms. I got the mower out and was ready to work when it broke. Luckily I have a young neighbor across the street who told me what it was and we were able to order the part and he will be able to fix it and get me going again. But on that same day, I went to turn on the outside outlet which is a no-fault ground outlet but I heard the sizzle and saw the smoke coming out of it. All the rains we've had, it had gotten wet and shorted out. So it was a call to an electrician the same day I had to order repair parts for the mower. I could see the $$ adding up.
I again feel lucky and fortunate as the part wasn't all that expensive and the quote for the electrical work plus a couple of other things I wanted done and had put off was well within reason. I guess the shorted out electric outlet was my signal to quit procrastinating and get the electrician out here to do the other work I needed done. For instance, he will use the wiring from the old hookup that we installed for the trailer to run a new line and install another outlet for me outside on the north side of the house. We have a shortage of outside outlets so it will be great to have another one. Plus he will lower the porch light on the north side. It was mounted almost to the peak of the house and required a ladder to change the light bulb but he can lower it so I can use the step stool. Little things but so important.
On the 17th, my youngest grandson turned 11. Oh, these kids are growing up so fast.
My neighbor has been fishing and has caught a huge mess so the last of this month we will be having a big fish fry. My mouth is already watering. He can make the best catfish filets and hush puppies.
I'm still working on my landscaping in the front and hopefully once this weather settles down, I can really get busy and get it finished. I have the timbers in place but haven't put the plastic down yet. I'll wait until I get the mulch here for that. Then I can get my flowers and plant them and soon the old place will be all spruced up for the rest of spring into summer and fall.
Just a few tidbits about what is going on in my little corner of the world. I hope you and yours are doing well. Until next time, smile and be happy and don't let life's little mishaps get you down.