Saturday, November 24, 2012


We had a nice Thanksgiving this year with a great feast and everyone ate too much but it sure was good.  We all said what we were thankful for before the meal and we do have a lot to be thankful for.  I know I'm thankful for my wonderful daughters and grandchildren and that Michele and the children are here with me now.  We missed having Melanie and Zach with us as she had to work but they had a great meal together and we got to talk to them.

The only dark part of the day was when we discovered some of our kitties were missing and had to call out a deputy to file another report.  They eventually all returned but had been in hiding all day and still hide and we have only gained the trust of 3 of them so not sure what or who scared them so bad that they are afraid to come around us now.  Hopefully we can get this all settled next week so we won't have to keep a constant vigil and worry that they will be stolen and who knows what their fate is once the whacko neighbor gets them.  

With Brianna's help we did have the outside lights and decorations up so we could turn on the lights Thanksgiving night but we didn't get the tree up as planned.  But it is up now and decorated with some of their things, some of mine and so we call it our community tree.  We plan to put out the rest of the decorations this week inside.  

We also need to start on some Christmas gifts that we are making as the kids will be back in school so we can work on them during the day while they are gone.  I've bought a couple of gifts and have to buy a couple more and then I will be done.

I love this time of the year with all the decorations and secrets.  Of course, I've been accused of being an overgrown kid but that is okay with me.  I actually still believe in Santa.  But more than that my favorite things are the Nativities that I set up each year with the open Bible so we can read the story and know the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus.  With all the bright lights and gay decorations, we never lose sight of the real reason we celebrate on December 25th.

We'll actually have two Christmases this year as Melanie and Zach will be down the weekend before so we will all be together then and then we will have our family celebration on Christmas day.

So from our family to yours, may your Christmas be blessed and wonderful and as we head towards the New Year that it will be full of good wishes and happiness.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Anger & Disappointment

I decided to wait a few days before coming to my blog.  After the fiasco on November 6, 2012, I think I, along with many Americans were in shock and then the anger set in and now we are all looking at what we need to do in our future.

Perhaps Mitt Romney wasn't the best choice but he was the better choice and America put on its blinders to re elect a man who is slowly destroying this country and taking away our freedoms.  I for one cannot see how they can't see it.  With higher prices, lower wages and lack of jobs, we have faced the downward economy which has no indications of turning around under Obama's regime.  He claims all of this was the former presidents fault.  How can that be when he has had four years to correct it, that is if it was all that bad, but he has made it worse and to top it off, put us in debt to an amount that our great and great, great grandchildren will still be trying to pay off if it can ever be paid off.

I am fearful about the health care.  There are too many secrets and no one to explain what it really is and I do not feel the government has the right to dictate to me that I have to buy health insurance.  I have worked and paid into Social Security and Medicare thinking it would be there for me when I would need it and now I find out that the government has stolen my savings along with everyone else.  They have embezzled the savings plans that workers and their employers paid into over the years and tell us now that it won't be there for us and that they are going to take away the Medical part or cut back the service.  I pay a premium each month for Medicare so I feel I'm paying for my health care now.  I do not abuse it and if they really want to cut it back, then use it to cut back payments on people who do abuse it by running to the doctor with a belly ache only to find out they are constipated or a cold which we all know there is no cure except time and rest.  But I am afraid, not only for me but my family who need medical care that we will not get it just because our government thinks they know what is best for us and they do not and have no business trying to tell the people what to do or how to do it.  This is America, a free society, not a communist society in which the people do what they are told like slaves and peons.

He admitted he knew nothing about math so that is why there is no balanced budget.  What about our Congress? Are they poor in math too?  Surely someone could balance the budget.  Oh, that's right, if they do that, then he can't rob from Peter to pay Paul or fund his private interest.

I don't expect the next four years to be any better and will probably be worse as he has his own agenda and it is not the one of a President of the United States who takes an oath to follow the Constitution.  He has no idea of what a leader is or even how to lead.

I hear how intelligent he is and I really have to wonder how anyone can think he is intelligent.  His manner of speaking is worse than that of a grade schooler and he cannot think on his own but has to use prompt or a pre-written script.  He has lied so many times and yet everyone allows him to get away with it.  To this day, we still do not know if the birth certificate is real, or where his college transcripts are since he does not want them released.  What is he hiding?  He expects his opponent to reveal everything about his life, business and personal and yet he doesn't feel he has to do that.  And the American people are letting him get by with it as they put their blinders on again.

I look around at my young grandchildren knowing that they will never see the kind of America that I grew up in or even that of my own children.  It breaks my heart when I think of what they will miss out on and how they are being slowly brain washed into the "new order".   For those of us who remember or those who were taught in school, we know of another dictator who used the children to achieve his goals.

Parents and grandparents, we must teach our children the truth and when we can show them what the true history was, not what they are trying to cover up and teach today.  It is up to us to instill these values in our children so they won't be forgotten and can be passed down as our future generations are going to have to know the history if they ever want their freedom restored.

I don't think I'm an extremist but I do wonder if we are approaching the time of Armageddon.  Perhaps we should seek out the answers in the final chapter of the Bible and prepare ourselves if we haven't already.  We can see the evils of Sodom and Gomorrah as it creeps into our lives and we need to keep praying for those who have fallen into the evils and sins.

May God bless America and its people.