Monday, December 31, 2012


We have come to the end of another year and as I reflect back on 2012, I can only say it has had its ups and downs.  But it also has brought up some thoughts of many years ago.

I was thinking back to when I was young, probably around 9 or 10 and when I would think of the year 2000, it seemed like an eternity away and I had visions that it would be an entirely different world and in some ways it is different than what it was 60 years ago.  But mainly it was hard for me to envision 2000, let alone 2012.

I think in a child's mind, they imagine it to be more than it actually is.  I can remember talking to my friends and how we all thought that we would be living in a space age era maybe even being surrounded by aliens and traveling on space ships.  I think a part of this imagination was due to the movies we watched which portrayed the future as one filled with space ships and aliens and all the technology that seemed unreal but now we take it for granted.

I imagined that if I was still alive at the year 2000 and at that age, it did seem like forever, I would be an old person and it was hard to imagine I could be old like my parents who at the time were in their 30's or my grandparents who were in their 60's.  I mean that was old and I couldn't see myself being old like that.  The thought of the year 2000 conjured up all kinds of thoughts and ideas, none of which came true but as a child, I thought they would.

As I got older, the thought of 2000 still seemed odd but also enticing.  We were entering a new century and it was exciting to know that I would be a part of that transition.  I think I might have even been a little disappointed when 2000 finally came and nothing had changed dramatically in my life, except that I was older, in fact I was in my mid 50's.  I laugh now as I remember thinking I could never be that old.  I did have a lot of the new technology at the time but the past twelve years, it has grown even more and now we live in an age of computers and cell phones that can do just about anything a person wants.

As a child, when a computer was mentioned, it envisioned a life run by robots or mind control.  I laugh as sometimes I think maybe it wasn't that far fetched as we all have been mesmerized by our computers and those of us who have them would be lost now without them.  The same for our phones.  We had the old fashioned land line which often was a party line, meaning we had to share the phone with neighbors.  I remember when we got our first private line as it was so nice to pick up the phone and not have to wait for someone to get off the line.  And the switch from rotary dialing to push button was another milestone into modern technology.  Now, the land line is all but disappearing as every one has a mobile phone of some kind.  Mine is still a simple cell phone which fills the needs I have, but my grandson has one that he can look up anything he wants as it allows him to be on the internet so he can send and retrieve emails, he can take photos and send them off and play games and who knows what else it is capable of.

He is a child of the modern age and one that has taught me how to function with this new technology.  When I look at the life and advantages today for my grandchildren, I marvel at how much has changed and how we have grown in the past 60 years.  It may have seemed like an eternity to reach this period when I was a child but looking back, the time has gone quickly and we have moved forward just as quickly.

So now we are saying good bye to 2012.  And as I look back at the year it has been a typical year, more or less.  We are still having a drought so the weather was a big factor, I took each day as it came and struggled with a decision about selling my home as it was getting to be a chore for me to take care of.  Then in September, my youngest daughter and I talked about them moving here.  It would be good for them and for me as well.  My house is large enough for us, we might be a little crowded but we manage.  It has been a great joy for me to have all my family close again and for us to be able to get together to celebrate those special times. It is also giving me a chance to get reacquainted with my grandchildren who are in their teens or preteens and I admit it has been a challenge at times but overall it is a joy having them near and sharing in their lives.

Times have changed and so have I.  I think it is for the better but there are times when I wonder if we are moving too fast, that technology is taking over and maybe those thoughts I had as a child aren't so far off.  Even our televisions which used to entertain are geared to letting us know what is happening right now all around the world at a moment's notice, the entertainment has all but disappeared as programs are designed to indoctrinate us into a new social life, even the movies promote violence which is being viewed as acceptable and those who cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality are doing unspeakable things but we do not change the way they are being trained and brainwashed.   I feel as we have moved into this 21st cnetury that all the change hasn't been for the betterment and our only hope is that as we progress into this new century, we can change back to the simpler times when people didn't harbor hate or destruction or feel they were more powerful than their peers.

This has been a year of joy as my family has been here and we have had good news about new babies expected this next year, reconnection with family members who are scattered across the country and for my health to allow me to enjoy each day.  But we have had sadness too with the loss of loved ones.

My wish for the new year would be one of happy times, good times and a movement away from this dark period we are living in.  I would wish good health for everyone and prayers of recovery for those who are ill.  So as I put 2012 behind me, I look forward to 2013 being better for everyone.


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

The countdown to Christmas is over, the pretty wrapped packages all open and all the secrets are revealed but for some reason I don't have that usual let down that comes once the suspense is over.  I think it is because this year Christmas continues with Michele and the kids here.  

It has been a while since I've enjoyed the excitement of children as they opened their gifts and the joy they expressed when I opened mine from them and they could see I was pleased.

This Christmas was special in more ways than one.  The whole family was together on Saturday before as we enjoyed a table full of finger foods and snacks as well as two punches, one for the children and one for the adults.  Later, it was laughter and shouts of glee as we exchanged gifts.  It was made more fun with the gag gifts thrown in but all was taken in good nature and later as my two grandsons paired up to spend time together, the granddaughters along with Melanie and Michele and me played a game.

We all missed the one important person in our family but we knew he was here in spirit with us and when the girls gave me a very special gift, I could only shed tears of joy and I knew he was here with us and the love I felt for my two daughters at that moment was more than I had ever known.  Their thoughtfulness in giving me a gift that I had talked about but hadn't bought was awesome and overwhelming.  The gift was a flag box to hold the memorial gift from Harold's funeral.  

Our Saturday celebration was great and we so enjoyed being together again after so many years apart and we hated to see Melanie and Zach go home but we have a lot of new memories and pictures and know that we will all be together again for our special celebrations.

Today was just as exciting as the kids got up to see what Santa had brought and of course Santa did come.  In fact, I had just gone to bed when I heard a noise and thought we had a trespasser but looked out to see the sleigh and reindeer and then lo and behold like magic he appeared to fill the stockings and look at the tree.  The kitties, Shadow and Miss Kitty went to greet him and received a pat on the head, Jazzie out in her cage was quiet so didn't scare him off and Gretta was sleeping soundly on the bed next to Michele, but Santa didn't forget the furry friends.  And I got to see him without being caught.  I watched as he climbed in his sleigh and as he called out to the reindeer, they lifted the sleigh and jolly old man into the night sky where I heard him say MERRY CHRISTMAS.  I went back to my bed and closed my eyes to sleep so I could tell the story for all to believe.

Now we sit here waiting for the winter storm to move in bringing us snow for a white Christmas, one of which I wish I could only dream about but alas it looks like the dream might come true and we only hope it won't be as bad as they are predicting.  

From my family to yours, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.