Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Tribute to Prissy

Prissy was a small tabby that came into my daughter's life in 2004.  She wandered into their yard and after a while they were able to befriend her finding that she seemed to be in good health but had been declawed on all four paws. 

Searching for her owners as she was sure she had escaped from a loving home, the weeks went by with no one answering the ads and no response from local veterinarians.  So Prissy joined the family, which was three at the time plus one other cat, named Oliver.  They named her Prissy because of her demeanor.

Prissy let it be known from day one that she was the dominant cat in the household and would let Oliver know that she was the reigning queen, however they also became close companions.  She was bold and curious and there wasn't to much that upset her.  Moving to a new home didn't bother her as she checked it out and made herself to home.  Oliver on the other hand had more of a problem with change but Prissy seemed to be able to calm him and assure him that everything would be all right.

When my daughter had to give up her home and move into the trailer next to my house, again Prissy made herself to home immediately while Oliver hid for weeks and ran for cover at every little noise.  But not Prissy.  She was at the window looking out upon her new surroundings and settled right in.

I had been around Prissy and Oliver a few times but not enough that they knew me all that well but they were making up with me now that they were seeing more of me.  But it was one weekend when my daughter was gone and I was going in to feed them and would take the time to talk to them and pet on them and after that I was their friend.

Sometimes Prissy would come down from her perch on the bed to greet me when I came visiting and then again if she was comfortable, she might raise her head and look my direction but that was it.  She definitely had a mind of her own and acted when she wanted too.  But she could be loving and sweet and very friendly.

And of course, she was loved by her family and they loved her.  Our pets do become a part of our family and Prissy was a big part of her family and mine too as I came to know her better.

But tragedy struck this past Tuesday, February 1, 2011.  As we were in the middle of a blizzard, I spoke with my daughter that morning as she said, "We've had a little accident out here and Prissy is dead."  My heart leaped to my throat as the tears welled up and I couldn't speak.  How could it be?  Melanie began telling me how she had climbed up on a shelf unit but lost her balance and with no claws to grab and cling to anything, she fell, landing in a plastic tote and broke her neck.  It was instant and sudden and a shock to all of us.  My grandson was there as well and there was nothing that could have stopped it.  It was a tragic accident but it took the life of Prissy, the lovable sweet tabby that filled their lives and Oliver's constant companion.

My tears flowed as I knew the pain of their loss and even a pain to me as I had come to love the cat too.  She was so innocent and loving, depending on her humans to care for her and they did.  She had a good life, a happy life and a lot of love but it ended all to soon.

We will always remember her as she made a mark on our hearts.  My heart still aches for the loss and for the pain my daughter and grandson feel at the loss of one of their special family members.  She will never be forgotten as the memories will live on.

NOTE:  Years ago we had a cat that we had his front paws declawed and I swore I would never do that to a cat again.  We don't know who the owners were of Prissy or why they had her declawed but it is wrong.  The claws are the cats defenses and without them, they are totally dependent upon humans to see to their needs, but more importantly, they need their claws to help maintain their balance as well as defense.  Had she had claws, she could have broken her fall but as it was, she had nothing and was defenseless.  I've come to feel it is a crime to declaw a cat and it is only for the owner's benefit.  It is time responsible pet owners take notice and not alter their pets so that tragedies like this one happen.  So please, if you own a cat, do not declaw that cat.  You can train them not to be destructive and it will make a happier cat/owner situation than to alter and make them defenseless. 

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