Saturday, July 16, 2011

Take Me Away!

The other day my muse was after me to finish up this story I'm working on so I was switching back and forth from the story to searching for information on the internet.  I may write fiction and have a huge imagination but I do research when I'm writing about a location or an event.  I want to make sure that my imagination doesn't take over and distorts the truth.

In this case, I have my characters living in Athens, Greece.  But they travel to other cities or countries near by so I had to be sure of the correctness and also the sights they were seeing.  Since I have always wanted to go to Greece, I picked it as my central location and I enjoyed doing the research almost as much as I did the writing of the story.

But while I was browsing the net, a thought came to me.  I remembered an old commercial about a bath product that advertised "Take me away!"  

That is exactly what my computer was doing.  It was taking me away from this quiet existence I have here to an exciting new place.  A land that I could only dream about.  So I looked at my computer and said, "From now on, I will call you Calgon."  You take me away.

It is so true.  Whether we are browsing far off lands or our favorite shopping site, we are being whisked away for a few minutes from our ordinary lives.  The computer is becoming more and more a huge part of our lives and opens up new worlds and we can see exciting places and things.

So I have named my computer, Calgon and it is going to take me away!

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