Tuesday, December 24, 2013



I sit here early in the morning of Christmas Eve thinking back on the year and wondering where the time went.  It seems only a few months ago we were gathering to celebrate Christmas and here we are again.

The gifts are wrapped but I didn't do the holiday baking this year.  I left that up to Melanie and Michele.  I cut back on my decorating as well, not because I didn't want it but mainly due to the weather we had.  It has been cold or stormy so I picked one nice day and put up what I could outside and then decorated the inside so it does look a lot like Christmas.

This could be the last Christmas that I will spend here in this house as it goes up for sale this spring.  I'll be going through all my stuff and having a heck of a sale as I'll be downsizing plus I have way too much stuff and don't need half of it.  I will miss having all the Christmas decorations for outside but I won't really have a place for them so they will go too.  I'll keep some but most will go.  And I guess it is time to narrow down what decorations I really use year after year.  I have enough decorations that I could decorate 3 or 4 trees and will cut that back to just one saving out my favorite decorations and of course all the old antique ones I have.  

I call them antique as I still have decorations that Harold and I bought for our first Christmas 51 years ago plus I have some other family pieces.

But back to the passing of the year.  Michele moved out in March but again it only seems like a couple of months ago.  The summer was a wet and cooler summer than what we've had the past couple of years so it meant getting out to mow when I had a couple of nice days and the yard was dry.  The fall came quickly and again wet and cool so the leaves didn't get mulched or raked.  But the worst came with the coming of winter the first part of December with temps in the 20's and teens at night and then mid December brought us a sleet and ice storm with 4 1/2" of snow.  We actually got lucky and didn't have as much ice as some places and our temps warmed enough for it to melt off right away.

We did get the generator out and I have gas for it in case I would need it.  I pray during each storm that I won't have to.  First of all, I can't start it so I'd have to call on a neighbor but he has offered to help if I need it.

Michele had back surgery last spring but it didn't work so will be going in Jan. 2014 to have another surgery.  Hopefully this time it will work but because they will fuse the bad discs she will be limited on what she will be able to do and have a 3 month recovery so the kids and I will be around to help when needed.

Melanie changed jobs and is back to working master control for Channel 8 in Tulsa.  It is a steady paycheck although she may take on a part time job as is saving her money for a trip to Europe next year.

In February I got Foxy who has been my constant companion.  She follows me around or is near me at all times.  She is my watch dog and warns me when someone comes even though her bark is much worse than her bite.  I have to laugh as I really don't think she would bite unless someone was trying to hurt me and then I think she would be as protective as she could.  As a 15 pound Pomeranian, she isn't real big but she has a big heart and gives me love and companionship.  I still have my cats and I'll always be a cat person but I have to say Foxy has stolen a part of my heart and I don't know what I would do without her now.

On Wednesday the house will be full of laughter, talk and gaiety as we all gather for our gift exchange and dinner.  There will be a lot of surprises this year but all for the good.

Now we will start looking forward to the new year and what plans we have made.  If they all work out, it will be a busy and eventful year for all of us.  For me, it will be a huge change in lifestyle and leaving some memories behind as I move forward to build new ones.

My wish for my family and my friends is that good health be with you and that your wishes and dreams come true.


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