Wednesday, November 11, 2020


When we think about 2020, the first thing that comes to mind is perfect vision.  But when it is the year 2020, it was anything but perfect vision.

In January, word came that China had loosened a virus around the world killing thousands, shutting down towns, villages saying any business that was non-essential would be closed to the public.  It also meant that everyone had to wear a face mask, supposedly to keep the virus from spreading and later deemed it wasn't that important.  They really don't know how it spreads and keeps changing their ideas.  It is a harsh version of the flu but governments have decided to use it and gave compensation to hospitals for Covid 19 patients so amazingly, all other illnesses disappeared and everyone had "Covid 19" on their death certificates.

Along with masks, people were ordered to "social distance".  We had to maintain 6 feet away from the nearest person and stores marked their floors with 6 feet markers.  Lines were long as with everyone six feet apart, there was a lot of empty spaces in the lines.

Months went by with empty grocery shelves and no one really knows why but for some reason, people thought they had to hoard toilet paper and it became scarce.  Little by little it began coming back on the shelves but people were still buying it to stash away.  Grocery shelves were emptied of can goods, boxed dinners and any food people could store.  Even meat became scarce.

By summer, things were returning to somewhat normal with grocery shelves being stocked and people not in a panic were buying within reason. 

As fall arrived, debates whether to open schools or to continue with the distance learning they began in the spring.  Some schools opened and some opened part time and used distance learning.  Those that did open made sure of the social distancing and required the students to wear masks all day at school.

The masks created another hazard, for those who have breathing problems, they couldn't wear the masks and it was also discovered that those who did wear them for long periods of time began suffering from infections of the lungs from breathing in the stale air and germs they created in the masks.  It was a damned if you do or damned if you don't thing.  

People grew tired of the social distancing, the masks and the fact that the virus didn't seem as potent and began to wonder if it was all a hoax or maybe made worse than what it actually was.  There was a lot of debate. Those who thought the masks were the answer were adamant but then those who didn't wear them argued they didn't need them.

People were told not to go to church or not to have more than 10 people at the service.  Easter services were cancelled, 4th of July celebrations were cancelled or postponed to a later date.  Who wants to celebrate the 4th of July on Labor Day?  But that was the rule.  There were restrictions for Halloween and they are saying families shouldn't get together for Thanksgiving or Christmas.

This year was also an election year for President and our congress.  It has ended up in chaos as the Democrat party wants in power so badly that they cheated anyway they could so the election is still up in the air and will be until the deadline as states face legal charges, recounts and investigations.

The Democrats who have turned to Socialism want to lock down the country, force the people to wear masks and basically quarantine us as we will be limited to where we can go.  Just as our economy was picking up and people were going back to work and the businesses that survived, even though they are suffering, have opened up again so the country is trying to get back to what it was before.  But the Democrats don't want that to happen and want to undo all the good our President has done for the past 4 years.

Our country has taken pride in our freedoms and we are known around the world for our freedom and success, yet the Democrats don't want to honor that and want us to be like a 3rd world country with them being the dictators.  I have a feeling that the patriots and people who love this country will fight and we will see a civil war between the good and evil.

We started decorating for Christmas early this year to being some joy and happiness into our lives.  It inspires us and gives us hope that soon this year will end and with God's blessing, we will be able to live in a free and happy country again.

I know I don't have that many years left but I worry about my daughters, grandchildren and now my great grandson who was born in September, one of the best things that happened all year.  But I wonder what kind of world they will have to live in and it scares me to death.

As we get close to year's end, my hope and prayers is that Good will win over Evil and we can get our lives back on track and be happy again.  And I'm sure I'm not the only one who would just like to erase 2020 from the calendar and from history but it will still be there and maybe it will be a lesson for all of us to not take for granted what we have and to be on the alert so that Evil cannot overtake us.

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