Monday, December 31, 2012


We have come to the end of another year and as I reflect back on 2012, I can only say it has had its ups and downs.  But it also has brought up some thoughts of many years ago.

I was thinking back to when I was young, probably around 9 or 10 and when I would think of the year 2000, it seemed like an eternity away and I had visions that it would be an entirely different world and in some ways it is different than what it was 60 years ago.  But mainly it was hard for me to envision 2000, let alone 2012.

I think in a child's mind, they imagine it to be more than it actually is.  I can remember talking to my friends and how we all thought that we would be living in a space age era maybe even being surrounded by aliens and traveling on space ships.  I think a part of this imagination was due to the movies we watched which portrayed the future as one filled with space ships and aliens and all the technology that seemed unreal but now we take it for granted.

I imagined that if I was still alive at the year 2000 and at that age, it did seem like forever, I would be an old person and it was hard to imagine I could be old like my parents who at the time were in their 30's or my grandparents who were in their 60's.  I mean that was old and I couldn't see myself being old like that.  The thought of the year 2000 conjured up all kinds of thoughts and ideas, none of which came true but as a child, I thought they would.

As I got older, the thought of 2000 still seemed odd but also enticing.  We were entering a new century and it was exciting to know that I would be a part of that transition.  I think I might have even been a little disappointed when 2000 finally came and nothing had changed dramatically in my life, except that I was older, in fact I was in my mid 50's.  I laugh now as I remember thinking I could never be that old.  I did have a lot of the new technology at the time but the past twelve years, it has grown even more and now we live in an age of computers and cell phones that can do just about anything a person wants.

As a child, when a computer was mentioned, it envisioned a life run by robots or mind control.  I laugh as sometimes I think maybe it wasn't that far fetched as we all have been mesmerized by our computers and those of us who have them would be lost now without them.  The same for our phones.  We had the old fashioned land line which often was a party line, meaning we had to share the phone with neighbors.  I remember when we got our first private line as it was so nice to pick up the phone and not have to wait for someone to get off the line.  And the switch from rotary dialing to push button was another milestone into modern technology.  Now, the land line is all but disappearing as every one has a mobile phone of some kind.  Mine is still a simple cell phone which fills the needs I have, but my grandson has one that he can look up anything he wants as it allows him to be on the internet so he can send and retrieve emails, he can take photos and send them off and play games and who knows what else it is capable of.

He is a child of the modern age and one that has taught me how to function with this new technology.  When I look at the life and advantages today for my grandchildren, I marvel at how much has changed and how we have grown in the past 60 years.  It may have seemed like an eternity to reach this period when I was a child but looking back, the time has gone quickly and we have moved forward just as quickly.

So now we are saying good bye to 2012.  And as I look back at the year it has been a typical year, more or less.  We are still having a drought so the weather was a big factor, I took each day as it came and struggled with a decision about selling my home as it was getting to be a chore for me to take care of.  Then in September, my youngest daughter and I talked about them moving here.  It would be good for them and for me as well.  My house is large enough for us, we might be a little crowded but we manage.  It has been a great joy for me to have all my family close again and for us to be able to get together to celebrate those special times. It is also giving me a chance to get reacquainted with my grandchildren who are in their teens or preteens and I admit it has been a challenge at times but overall it is a joy having them near and sharing in their lives.

Times have changed and so have I.  I think it is for the better but there are times when I wonder if we are moving too fast, that technology is taking over and maybe those thoughts I had as a child aren't so far off.  Even our televisions which used to entertain are geared to letting us know what is happening right now all around the world at a moment's notice, the entertainment has all but disappeared as programs are designed to indoctrinate us into a new social life, even the movies promote violence which is being viewed as acceptable and those who cannot distinguish between fantasy and reality are doing unspeakable things but we do not change the way they are being trained and brainwashed.   I feel as we have moved into this 21st cnetury that all the change hasn't been for the betterment and our only hope is that as we progress into this new century, we can change back to the simpler times when people didn't harbor hate or destruction or feel they were more powerful than their peers.

This has been a year of joy as my family has been here and we have had good news about new babies expected this next year, reconnection with family members who are scattered across the country and for my health to allow me to enjoy each day.  But we have had sadness too with the loss of loved ones.

My wish for the new year would be one of happy times, good times and a movement away from this dark period we are living in.  I would wish good health for everyone and prayers of recovery for those who are ill.  So as I put 2012 behind me, I look forward to 2013 being better for everyone.


Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

The countdown to Christmas is over, the pretty wrapped packages all open and all the secrets are revealed but for some reason I don't have that usual let down that comes once the suspense is over.  I think it is because this year Christmas continues with Michele and the kids here.  

It has been a while since I've enjoyed the excitement of children as they opened their gifts and the joy they expressed when I opened mine from them and they could see I was pleased.

This Christmas was special in more ways than one.  The whole family was together on Saturday before as we enjoyed a table full of finger foods and snacks as well as two punches, one for the children and one for the adults.  Later, it was laughter and shouts of glee as we exchanged gifts.  It was made more fun with the gag gifts thrown in but all was taken in good nature and later as my two grandsons paired up to spend time together, the granddaughters along with Melanie and Michele and me played a game.

We all missed the one important person in our family but we knew he was here in spirit with us and when the girls gave me a very special gift, I could only shed tears of joy and I knew he was here with us and the love I felt for my two daughters at that moment was more than I had ever known.  Their thoughtfulness in giving me a gift that I had talked about but hadn't bought was awesome and overwhelming.  The gift was a flag box to hold the memorial gift from Harold's funeral.  

Our Saturday celebration was great and we so enjoyed being together again after so many years apart and we hated to see Melanie and Zach go home but we have a lot of new memories and pictures and know that we will all be together again for our special celebrations.

Today was just as exciting as the kids got up to see what Santa had brought and of course Santa did come.  In fact, I had just gone to bed when I heard a noise and thought we had a trespasser but looked out to see the sleigh and reindeer and then lo and behold like magic he appeared to fill the stockings and look at the tree.  The kitties, Shadow and Miss Kitty went to greet him and received a pat on the head, Jazzie out in her cage was quiet so didn't scare him off and Gretta was sleeping soundly on the bed next to Michele, but Santa didn't forget the furry friends.  And I got to see him without being caught.  I watched as he climbed in his sleigh and as he called out to the reindeer, they lifted the sleigh and jolly old man into the night sky where I heard him say MERRY CHRISTMAS.  I went back to my bed and closed my eyes to sleep so I could tell the story for all to believe.

Now we sit here waiting for the winter storm to move in bringing us snow for a white Christmas, one of which I wish I could only dream about but alas it looks like the dream might come true and we only hope it won't be as bad as they are predicting.  

From my family to yours, we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


We had a nice Thanksgiving this year with a great feast and everyone ate too much but it sure was good.  We all said what we were thankful for before the meal and we do have a lot to be thankful for.  I know I'm thankful for my wonderful daughters and grandchildren and that Michele and the children are here with me now.  We missed having Melanie and Zach with us as she had to work but they had a great meal together and we got to talk to them.

The only dark part of the day was when we discovered some of our kitties were missing and had to call out a deputy to file another report.  They eventually all returned but had been in hiding all day and still hide and we have only gained the trust of 3 of them so not sure what or who scared them so bad that they are afraid to come around us now.  Hopefully we can get this all settled next week so we won't have to keep a constant vigil and worry that they will be stolen and who knows what their fate is once the whacko neighbor gets them.  

With Brianna's help we did have the outside lights and decorations up so we could turn on the lights Thanksgiving night but we didn't get the tree up as planned.  But it is up now and decorated with some of their things, some of mine and so we call it our community tree.  We plan to put out the rest of the decorations this week inside.  

We also need to start on some Christmas gifts that we are making as the kids will be back in school so we can work on them during the day while they are gone.  I've bought a couple of gifts and have to buy a couple more and then I will be done.

I love this time of the year with all the decorations and secrets.  Of course, I've been accused of being an overgrown kid but that is okay with me.  I actually still believe in Santa.  But more than that my favorite things are the Nativities that I set up each year with the open Bible so we can read the story and know the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Lord Jesus.  With all the bright lights and gay decorations, we never lose sight of the real reason we celebrate on December 25th.

We'll actually have two Christmases this year as Melanie and Zach will be down the weekend before so we will all be together then and then we will have our family celebration on Christmas day.

So from our family to yours, may your Christmas be blessed and wonderful and as we head towards the New Year that it will be full of good wishes and happiness.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Anger & Disappointment

I decided to wait a few days before coming to my blog.  After the fiasco on November 6, 2012, I think I, along with many Americans were in shock and then the anger set in and now we are all looking at what we need to do in our future.

Perhaps Mitt Romney wasn't the best choice but he was the better choice and America put on its blinders to re elect a man who is slowly destroying this country and taking away our freedoms.  I for one cannot see how they can't see it.  With higher prices, lower wages and lack of jobs, we have faced the downward economy which has no indications of turning around under Obama's regime.  He claims all of this was the former presidents fault.  How can that be when he has had four years to correct it, that is if it was all that bad, but he has made it worse and to top it off, put us in debt to an amount that our great and great, great grandchildren will still be trying to pay off if it can ever be paid off.

I am fearful about the health care.  There are too many secrets and no one to explain what it really is and I do not feel the government has the right to dictate to me that I have to buy health insurance.  I have worked and paid into Social Security and Medicare thinking it would be there for me when I would need it and now I find out that the government has stolen my savings along with everyone else.  They have embezzled the savings plans that workers and their employers paid into over the years and tell us now that it won't be there for us and that they are going to take away the Medical part or cut back the service.  I pay a premium each month for Medicare so I feel I'm paying for my health care now.  I do not abuse it and if they really want to cut it back, then use it to cut back payments on people who do abuse it by running to the doctor with a belly ache only to find out they are constipated or a cold which we all know there is no cure except time and rest.  But I am afraid, not only for me but my family who need medical care that we will not get it just because our government thinks they know what is best for us and they do not and have no business trying to tell the people what to do or how to do it.  This is America, a free society, not a communist society in which the people do what they are told like slaves and peons.

He admitted he knew nothing about math so that is why there is no balanced budget.  What about our Congress? Are they poor in math too?  Surely someone could balance the budget.  Oh, that's right, if they do that, then he can't rob from Peter to pay Paul or fund his private interest.

I don't expect the next four years to be any better and will probably be worse as he has his own agenda and it is not the one of a President of the United States who takes an oath to follow the Constitution.  He has no idea of what a leader is or even how to lead.

I hear how intelligent he is and I really have to wonder how anyone can think he is intelligent.  His manner of speaking is worse than that of a grade schooler and he cannot think on his own but has to use prompt or a pre-written script.  He has lied so many times and yet everyone allows him to get away with it.  To this day, we still do not know if the birth certificate is real, or where his college transcripts are since he does not want them released.  What is he hiding?  He expects his opponent to reveal everything about his life, business and personal and yet he doesn't feel he has to do that.  And the American people are letting him get by with it as they put their blinders on again.

I look around at my young grandchildren knowing that they will never see the kind of America that I grew up in or even that of my own children.  It breaks my heart when I think of what they will miss out on and how they are being slowly brain washed into the "new order".   For those of us who remember or those who were taught in school, we know of another dictator who used the children to achieve his goals.

Parents and grandparents, we must teach our children the truth and when we can show them what the true history was, not what they are trying to cover up and teach today.  It is up to us to instill these values in our children so they won't be forgotten and can be passed down as our future generations are going to have to know the history if they ever want their freedom restored.

I don't think I'm an extremist but I do wonder if we are approaching the time of Armageddon.  Perhaps we should seek out the answers in the final chapter of the Bible and prepare ourselves if we haven't already.  We can see the evils of Sodom and Gomorrah as it creeps into our lives and we need to keep praying for those who have fallen into the evils and sins.

May God bless America and its people.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


I'm not sure I will have any tricks but I know that I do have treats.  With my grandkids being here, I feel I have  been treated and it has been several years since I've celebrated a Halloween with them.  When my husband and I moved here 7 years ago, we noticed there were no small children near us so we have never had trick or treaters come here and really no different this year, except that my own grandchildren are here and with the move so recent and still unpacking and settling in, there won't be a lot going on here.  But I do have to go to town for supplies and groceries today so will look for something a little special either for our supper or a treat for later.

I hope all your little ghosts and goblins as well as you have a great Halloween.  Now here is my treat for all you special people.


The three children had been out on their rounds gathering up the treats on this Halloween night.  The sky was clear so the stars were twinkling and the big full moon was rising in the east casting shadows along with the street lights as they walked along.  It was a dark night but the three of them felt safe as a group and hurried from street light to street light to avoid the dark and the possible hiding places of those who prowl this night.

After an hour of walking around the neighborhood, they had a lot of treats and were heading back home.  The youngest, a boy of 11 told his sisters, "Let's cut through the vacant lot as we can get home faster and see what we have."

The girls weren't excited about entering the vacant lot.  There was a house on each side but both were empty and dark and eerie looking and as they looked at one another, told their little brother, "Let's stay on the street."

But Matthew was off an running across the lot as the girls stood there.  Afraid he might get hurt in the dark, they decided to follow calling out his name.  "Matthew, wait up."

Matthew was still running but stopped suddenly as he saw something run in front of him and hide in the tall grass near where he would have to walk.  He was standing there when his sisters reached him and were asking, "What is the matter?"

"I don't know but I just saw something run in front of me and it is in those weeds over there."  He was cowering down behind his oldest sister who put her arm around him.

Brianna told him, "It is okay.  It was probably just a dog or a cat."  She was wary as she took a step with her arm around her brother and looked at her sister, "Come on Hailey, let's go."

Hailey shook her head, "I'm not going there."  She turned to run back the way she came but let out a scream as she saw something too.  She ran back to her brother and sister, "We are trapped.  There is something in front of us and something behind us.  What are we going to do?"

Brianna looked around and then they froze as they heard the low growl of something very close to them.  Huddling together they each were looking in all directions.  The tall grasses were moving as the moon kept rising higher casting more shadows and then they saw something.  They screamed as they started to turn but there there was something behind them.  They turned back.

It seemed that there was more than just one or two as the noises were coming from all directions while the grass was moving and they could hear the crunch from the leaves under foot of what was in there.  They could almost feel the eyes watching them and the low growls and heavy breathing.  Occasionally a tall blade of grass would move revealing a shape but they couldn't tell what it was.

Brianna started running holding on to her brother's hand and calling to her sister, "Come on,.  Let's run."

But it was too late.  They all stopped as something came out of the tall grass and stood in front of them.  The growl was low and threatening and the light was reflecting off the eyes giving an eerie yellowish look.  The flash of white teeth glowed in the moonlight as the three children stood huddled together looking for another way around what ever this was.

The thing that had been in front of them just disappeared and slowly they started on their way to get home.  They could see the street and the house but they still had to walk by the tall stand of grass and whatever was hiding there.  

Tiptoeing they moved slowly until they were even with the spot where they had seen the object and then began to run.  Suddenly they heard the noise behind them and ran faster as the thing was getting closer, growling and they could almost hear it breathing,

They reached the end of the lot and were safely on the street under the street light but were still running until Brianna stopped to look behind them.

She began to laugh while Matthew and Hailey looked on.  She pointed to the thing that had come out of the vacant lot, "Look it is our dogs, Jazzie and Poe and some of Grandma's cats.

They arrived home with their tale of the sounds and sights they'd seen in the vacant lot vowing never to go there again and especially on Halloween.  While they told their tales and showed their mother and grandmother what they got, they didn't see the yellow eyes and flash of white or hear the low growl of what had followed them home and was watching through the windows.  Jazzie ad Poe were hunkered down in their cage not making a sound as the thing grew close.

At the screech of the old tom cat, the thing ran away, back to the vacant field and disappeared into one of the dark houses.  Later that night, there was a glow peering from one of the windows, two yellowish eyes watching the house where the children lived.


Monday, October 15, 2012

Changing my Lifestyle

On Saturday, October 13, 2012 my life style changed and I really think it is going to be for the best.  My youngest daughter, Michele and my three grandchildren, Brianna, Hailey and Matthew arrived with a U-haul truck and trailer and two friends with their belongings which now are part on my carport, part on my covered porch and part in the storage shed.  Oh, and I can't forget three dogs, Greta a german shepherd mix, Jasmine, a boxer mix and Poe who bless his heart is a combination of who knows but they are all good dogs and it has been interesting to see them interacting with my cats, inside and outside.

First, the outside cats disappeared as soon as the truck drove in and Michele got out of the car with three dogs on leashes.  They are slowly coming back but it is going to take some time for the two outside dogs, Jasmine and Poe to realize they can't just run up to the kitties and play and for the kitties to realize the dogs are not going to eat them.

The two inside kitties hid and we didn't see them until the middle of the night on Saturday.  Then yesterday one of them began coming out just a little bit but still very cautious.  About 11 PM on Sunday night, the other cat came out and was curious about Greta who was sleeping in her cage.  We think he might have come too close and woke her up as we saw a flash as he raced through the bedroom and heard Greta barking up a storm.  Then I caught him peeking around the corner.

This morning everyone was up at 6 AM as the kids got ready to go back to school.  Michele took them in to get them enrolled which has taken longer than she thought.  But she is very pleased with the school and thinks the kids will be once they are familiar with them.  

One of Matthew's teachers is married to the bus driver of the bus she rode when she went to school here and when she went to enroll Hailey who was really nervous about finding her way around, she was introduced to a girl who is President of the Honor Society and a cheerleader and so she will be meeting a lot of new people and finding new friends today.  I think she will relax a little bit now and quit worrying so much about it.

They went to get Brianna enrolled in the high school but the counselor won't be back until 12:30 so they are doing some other business in town and then will go back to get her enrolled.

I'm babysitting all the cats and dogs this morning.  Greta is being good unless I go outside and then she thinks I'm leaving her.  I let the two outside dogs out of their cage to run around and go to the bathroom and then had a time getting them back into the cage but once I had a treat for them, they went willingly.  We will keep them locked up for a few days until they really get to know their new surroundings and we can teach them not to run out the gate each time it is opened.

When the kids get home later, it is going to be a nice warm day so they can be out there with them and give them some exercise and work with them about the gate.

In the meantime, I'm still packing up stuff in the two rooms the kids will use so we can start getting their beds set up.  Right now, we are on temporary sleeping arrangements but so far everyone is comfortable and hopefully by the end of the week everyone will have their own room and the unpacking can start.

It is nice to hear the sound of voices and laughter again in the house after almost three years of living alone and only having the cats to talk to daily and the occasional visits from Melanie and Zach or when I was able to go visit a neighbor.

It is going to be a lifestyle change but I think once we are all settled in, we will begin to function like a family unit and I know that I'm very happy to have them here with me.  Although I will admit being around teens and a preteen reminds me of the days when my own two were growing up but times have changed so I'm being updated too.

As I said in my previous blog, my indecision may have been because I was being guided to stay here and when the time came, it was meant for my daughter and family to move here to be with me.  We all believe in a higher power and we feel we were guided into this decision so we know it will work for us.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Indecision = Decision

As I have posted here before, I've wrestled with the decision as to sell my home and downsize to a smaller space like an apartment. I even made the commitment even though my heart wasn't in it, but I was going to go through my things and sort out what had to go, maybe not what I wanted to go, but what had to go.  I have worked a little bit on it but I can tell you that it was hard for me to go into a room and look around to see what I had to get rid of.  So I have just kept putting it off even though I knew I would eventually have to take the bull by the horns, as they say, and just do it.

But then something happened that made me do a double take and really look at my decision and the proposition that was being offered.  I could stay here and I would have someone with me to help me with the things I can no longer do.  Not only that but I would be helping them in return.  It is a win/win situation for all of us.

My youngest daughter, Michele asked if I would consider having her and my three grandchildren move in with me.  She is renting a place but as with most rentals on limited income, it isn't the best and she loves to do yard work and plant flowers and she loves to cook but right now she doesn't even have a working oven and the landlord isn't to ambitious about fixing it.

So after thinking about it and discussing it with a good friend of mine and even mentioning it to my oldest daughter, I have decided to accept her offer and when they are here at Thanksgiving, we will be discussing how we will fit everyone in here.  Basically I have 3 bedrooms but there is another room that we have used as a bedroom so we will have the 4 bedrooms we need.   It will not only help me but I'll be helping her as well and it will be nice to have the family close together again.

As she said, they can help with the mowing and upkeep of the yard since my allergies always act up even when I wear my mask.  And I know she will be more than happy if she has a place to plant flowers and take care of them.  She has a green thumb and can make anything grow.  I know she is excited about the prospect and so are the grandkids as she said they are already telling their friends that they will be moving to Oklahoma to live with their Mamma and help her. 

And the grandchildren are old enough to be little helpers as well.  Brianna will be 16 next March, Hailey just turned 14 in July and Matthew will be 12 in April.

It will be nice to have them here with me and to be able to enjoy the grandkids and be a part of their lives as both girls are in band right now and hope to join when they move here.  Matthew is in scouts so will be looking for a troupe here. 

So I guess my indecision and reluctance to start going through my things had a hidden reason.  I still have to move some things to storage but that is fine.  So again, I've made a decision and if all goes well then they will be living here either by mid year for them or we may have to wait until school is out in May.  It will depend on the weather and she has some things to take care of.

Saturday, September 15, 2012


Here it is mid September already.  Time is slipping by to fast.  It doesn't seem that long ago I was writing about the cold and winter and then spring and the hot summer and now we are headed into fall.  I've weathered the cold, the extreme heat and drought and now can enjoy a few weeks of fall before gripping about the cold of winter.

I'm disappointed again this year that we won't have the color for fall.  With the drought, it has hurt the trees so bad that most have turned brown or are losing their leaves early.  I hope that isn't a sign of what is to come and that winter will be nasty.

All my pretty spring flowers finally gave it up during the 100+ days we had for weeks on end.  No amount of watering could keep them alive as the heat just dried them up or wilted them so they lost their ability to live.  I tried so hard but only a couple of very hardy ones survived and only because they were in a very protected area where they got no sun or very little and escaped being exposed to the hot winds and heat. 

The yard suffered as well and looking at it from a distance, it doesn't look bad but up close it is really sad.  Most of the grass is dead and the green that is showing is weeds and wild grass and is clumpy so there is a lot of bare ground when you look at it up close.  The moles are having a hey day! 

The outdoor kitties spent most of their days in the car port lying under or near the car as the cement floor was the coolest spot for them.  I would go out several times a day to give them fresh water and water down an area of grass and dirt which brought them out to lay on until it dried up.  The water cooled earth felt good to them but didn't last long enough but for a few minutes I would have a cat garden.

I don't want to rush the time or the seasons but I really am looking forward to Thanksgiving this year.  If all goes well, I hope to have all the family together to celebrate.

And I have made up my mind, not what I want to do but it is what I have to do, I will be putting the place up for sale next spring.  So between now and then, I've got to go through things and decided what I absolutely want and can keep and the rest will go in a huge yard sale or be given to the girls and grandkids.  I know I have to downsize so a lot of mementos will be going.

I think this last summer really made up my mind.  It is hard to keep up the place and with the heat I was forced to stay inside most of the time and even now it takes me two to three days to mow and trim the large yard.  There are a few other things that need to be done and I'm just not able to get them done.  I think this has been the hardest decision I've had to make since Harold passed away.  This was to be our last home where we could spend our retirement years but things have changed and so I'll give it up but I'm also giving up some of my independence and I think that is the hardest thing of all.

I'll be at the mercy of a landlord whether it is an apartment or small house and it really won't be mine but just a place to hang my hat and it is hard for me to accept that.   True I won't have the worry of repairs or yard work but at the same time, it will be a very confined life for me and it will be a big adjustment.  However, I do plan to stay in this area as I do have friends here and I have the necessities so as long as I can live on my own, this will be home base.  

It has been the hardest decision I've had to make and I'm sure it is really going to hit home when it comes down to the day I have to leave here.  I'm not one that likes change that much and especially one like this.  I feel I'm not only giving up my home but so many of the things I love and cherish.  True I probably have more trinkets and gadgets than I need but they are a part of my life and hard to part with.    Like I don't need two complete pan sets when I barely use over one or two pans at the most or a cupboard full of mixing and serving bowls.  I've just always had them so it just seems natural to keep them but they will have to be thinned out.  All the books, except for a few favorites will have to go and as my oldest daughter keeps reminding me, I've got to get rid of most of my Christmas and other holiday decorations.   I can understand that but I've been gathering these things for years and now I have to choose what to keep and what to get rid of.  And for all who know me, I don't spare anything when it comes to decorating for the holidays.  I could just about open my own store with all the decorations and flowers and wreaths I have.  But I use them all right now so will have to pick favorites again and that will be hard.

For now, I'm just going to enjoy the Fall, hoping winter will hold off and when it does come, that it will be kind and mild.  

Happy September everyone.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Shadow and the Raspberry Muffins

Last night I decided to mix up a Jiffy mix of Raspberry Muffins.  My big old white cat, Shadow is usually shy and timid but lately has been my shadow so to speak and last night wasn't any different.  He had to sit at my feet while I mixed them up and poured them into the pan.  I literally had to step over him in order to put them in the oven but I did without spilling them or getting burned as again he had to get right at my feet.

When they came out of the oven, I put them on a rack to cool down after trying a couple of warms ones with butter.  Again he was at my feet but I knew he had a full bowl of food and this wasn't one of the treats I usually give him or Miss Kitty.

They both will come running when I use the can opener thinking they will get a bite of tuna which is their one and only people food treat.

Anyway, I left the muffins on the rack to cool and went back into the other room to watch some TV.  It was a few minutes later that I heard a noise and went to see what was going on.  I saw him on the counter and called out so he jumped down immediately.

But before he did, he had managed to take a bite out of every muffin on the rack and had one cornered and was really going at it.  He sat back and watched as I gathered them up and scolded him.  I didn't feel I could salvage any of them so out they went.  

In the meantime, Miss Kitty had come to see what all the fuss was about and sat in the doorway with a look on her face as "what did I miss?"  I'm sure if she had found them first, she would have done the same or worse as she is usually the one who has to see what is up there and gets snoopy.

So it was a surprise to see Shadow being my bad boy last night.  Guess I will remember the next time I make muffins not to leave them out where he can get to them.  And especially if they are Raspberry Muffins.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Procrastination Again

I’ve been procrastinating again.  I’ll blame it on the hot weather.  I’ve thought about coming to the blog as so much happened in June. 

My daughter and I went to the Barry Manilow Concert which was fantastic and we had a great weekend together.  Then about a week later, I got hit with a bug.  It really knocked the wind out of my sales.  It was like a summer cold without a lot of the runny nose thing but I was achy, feverish, and for two days I stayed in bed most of the time sleeping.  I lost my appetite and about 6 pounds which I hate to admit I’ve gained back.  It lasted about a week although the cough lasted almost two weeks and still flares up at times.  But it also caused ear aches, headaches and heaviness in the chest.  It was a mean bug and I hope it doesn’t come back.

I was over the worst part but still a little on the weak side when it came up for our yard sale.  Melanie came down to help and bless her heart, she did most of the work.  It was a hot weekend and glad we only had it for two days.  On the last day, we waited until that evening to load it up as it was a little cooler but still worked up a good sweat.

I also had a surprise one day when I couldn’t get online and it was during the time I was ill so I waited until the next day to call only to find out that my internet provider pulled the plug without any notice.  Well, that led to me going with a connection that I’m not thrilled with but not having any choices, I either had to take it or go without and I’m so spoiled, I knew that going to town once a week to use wi-fi wouldn’t work for me.  So not sure where this will go but still not happy with it.

I had some excitement one evening when I had gone out to give fresh water to the cats and to water my plants.  I was standing on the sidewalk watching my cats lay in the grass that I had soaked down for them when something caught my eye.  It was a 9” Copperhead lying on the sidewalk in front of my shed doors.  I looked around and realized my neighbors across the street were gone, Spike had company so there was nothing to do but to get the hoe and kill it.  I walked around to get the hoe and I’m sure I made quite a sight as I stretched it out as far as I could and then began whacking it.  I did kill it and was able to get it on a shovel to toss over the back fence.

About the time I saw it, so did a couple of my kitty cats and they were watching it as it laid there but moved when I began to whack it.  Guess they were afraid I might get them.  Anyway, it kind of surprised them as much as me as I’m sure they weren’t aware of it as they laid on the grass but did finally notice it as it crawled onto the sidewalk.

It is the first one I’ve seen in over two years.  I’m sure they are here and I’m always on the alert for them but I’ve relied on my kitty cats to keep them away.  Here lately, it has been so hot that the cats are all gathered under the car in the car port or in the shaded grassy area that I wet down for them.

Then it was time to get ready for the 4th of July.  We were to have some of Melanie’s friends come down from Tulsa but they were unable to make it so it was just her, Zach and my friend Spike and me.  But we had quite a fireworks show thanks to my grandson Zach and we enjoyed some drinks, snacks and good music as well as a lot of laughs and good conversation.  So we had a good time even though it was just the 4 of us.

But now the holiday is over, the decorations taken down and time to stay inside away from this excessive heat.  Hopefully we’ll have a break soon and get some rain as we are so dry.  We had a little shower a couple of days before the 4th but not enough to really count.  The grass is brown and I haven’t had to worry about mowing.
The summer is going by quickly and soon it will be September and fall.  I prefer the warmer temps but not exactly the triple digits but it will be nice to have the nice days of September.

I hope you are having a great summer.  I’ll try not to be such a procrastinator from now on but since my time is somewhat limited on the new internet service, I will be writing my blog in Word and copying and pasting to it since I’m afraid I’ll run out of time on the wireless phone card I’m using now.  They say I can get 3 to 4 hours but haven’t had it happen yet and have already replaced one device as it didn’t work worth a darn.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Girls Night Out

Friday, June 8, 2012, I made the trip to Tulsa to see my daughter.  We had tickets to the Barry Manilow Concert and planned to make an evening of it.

I got there mid afternoon so we had a chance to visit before getting ready to go out to dinner.  We decided to go to a place we had been to before, The Spaghetti Warehouse.  Food was delicious as always and it was filling but we knew we would do some walking later so figured we'd walk it off.

When we left the restaurant, we found a parking garage not far from the Center where we were going for the concert.  We got parked, walked the half block to the center and waited until they opened the doors.  It was a nice evening so not to bad to have to stand outside to wait.

Once inside, we got in the line and as we approached the ticket taker, I was first and she told me to step over to a table near by as my ticket would be upgraded.  At first, I thought it must be my age or maybe we were the 1000th customer or something.  I waited to see what they said to Melanie as I didn't want to sit somewhere else without her being close.  But they told her the same thing.

They didn't sell out all the seats so were filling in on the others and boy did we get a deal.  We were fairly close to the stage and just high enough that our view wasn't blocked and we still could see the big screen.  We were given light sticks to use during the concert which was fun too.

This was my first concert so I was really excited.

But back to our walking experience for a moment.  When we were admitted, we went looking for the vendor's booth to get our T-shirts.  We found one small one and he said we had to go on around the other way to a larger one.  Well, he must have been turned around in his directions as we started walking and almost encircled the inside of the center before we found it and it was just a ways from where we entered.  But we got in line and got our T-shirts and then found out seats.

And we were in for the show of our lives.  Barry Manilow still has a great voice and entertained us with many of his songs and added some humor along with it.  He also had a video presentation going on behind him which made it enjoyable as well.  We took pictures, videos and sang along and applauded and really enjoyed it all.  The people around us were all friendly and it made it a real enjoyable experience.

When we left, we exited at the opposite end so it meant another long walk back to the parking garage.  See, we did get to walk off all that good pasta we had.  LOL  

We went back to her apartment and changed into our shirts and then went over to her place of employment, Magoo's.  She'd been telling everyone I was coming so they wanted to meet me and I wanted to meet the ones she always talked about.  We got a bite to eat and of course had a couple of drinks but we also had some laughs and good times.  We even got up to dance once which was fun.  

By the time the evening was over, I was tired but it was a good tired and I had so much fun but then when Melanie and I go out for an evening, we usually do have fun.  We laugh and play and I have to say she makes me feel younger.  But usually the next day I realize I'm not 40 something anymore but wouldn't change a thing.

I left yesterday morning to come home and took a nap yesterday afternoon and by evening I was feeling pretty good.  Legs were a little sore and knees a little stiff but it was well worth it and I think if the opportunity came up again to see a favorite, I'd do it all over.

There is something about seeing them perform live that beats listening to the records or CD's or watching them on a TV special.

So we had a great girls night out and a lot of memories to last forever.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


Definition per Webster's New Revised Edition.
evil - adj. Morally bad or wrong, causing injury or other undesirable result; marked by misfortune or distress, low in public esteem.  One Satan.

bully - n. A person who is mean or cruel to weaker people.

The description fits my neighbor to a tee.  He is one of these people who thinks he knows more than anyone else, can do more and better than anyone else and that all his possessions are the best, whether they are or not, they are his so that means it is better than anyone else.  I should also add liar to that description because he is the biggest liar and teller of stories.  He will exaggerate any incident making sure the victim or the person who was wronged was rightfully wronged and that the person who did it, most of the time him, is right and there should be no question because he said so.

I have lived here for over 7 years, long before he moved in and yet he seems to think that he owns the neighborhood and he is the lord and master and all shall bow down to him and do his bidding without question and that he has the right to infringe upon the property of others without invitation, to do whatever he wants to do.  He also thinks it is his right to tell his neighbors how they should live, how they should mow their yards, plant their flowers, paint their houses and in general to allow him to control them.

When my husband was alive, we didn't have much problem as my husband who was honest and forthright would tell him when he was out of line and the bully would back down.  He asked my husband if he could hook on to our well and that he would pay us for the extra electric usage and then proceeded to run the well day and night causing problems.  My husband advised that if he wanted to use it to water his garden or plants once a day that was fine but that he could not allow him to use it to water his whole yard plus the yard of his neighbor who was a relative and to use it 24 hours a day.  It caused some friction for a while but he got over it and there was no more mention of it.  The friction was that he was not able to have free water and so he was upset over it.

My husband had a wood shop and occasionally the neighbor would come over, more out of curiosity than anything and beg for a piece of wood so he wouldn't have to go to town for one board or he would want my husband to cut something for him.  Generally my husband would cut something but seldom gave him any lumber since he knew it would never be returned and he had gone to town to buy it himself.  Yet this neighbor expected him to share.

Eventually he realized that he could not bully or control my husband but there were no words between them or any retaliation of any kind.

However, after my husband passed away in January 2010, things changed.  Even though my daughter was living here at the time and helping me if I needed it which for the most part I didn't.  My husband always thought that I should know how to do things or fix things or at least be familiar with them in case he wouldn't be around even though neither one of us ever thought he would go so fast.  He made sure I had a new mower and tools that I needed and that I knew how to use them and to take care of them.  He also made sure that I knew who to call when there was a problem I could not handle.  At no time did he ever talk down to me or treat me as if I didn't have any sense, nor did he ever bully me or belittle me.  We had over 48 years together and he treated me as his partner and even though I did depend on him, we both knew that I could handle it on my own.

But this neighbor decided on his own, that I was a dumb, defenseless, helpless widow who needed him.  WRONG!  I had to repeatedly tell him to get off my property when he would come over to mow and he scalped my yard so bad since he believed in cutting his grass low, he thought everyone should and I didn't have the same type of grass he had so it died out and left bare spots which are just now filling in after over a year.  He didn't do this just once, but three times and the last time I cursed at him and told him to get off my property or I would call the sheriff and have him removed.  It really ticked him off but he has stayed off.

Instead, he will come to the fence which by the way is mine, and call me over to tell me that it is time I mowed as my weeds are getting into his yard.  And now he is saying that because it is dry and he can't afford to water since he has to pay the bill for water, that it is my fault that his yard is dying because my yard is dying.  Excuse me.  I have no control over the weather and I cannot afford to water an acre of land so I rely on mother nature and rainfall.  But I'm not alone as most of my neighbors are experiencing the same thing because of the heat and drought.

My well is not working now.  We aren't sure but it is possible the motor is burned out as it was making noises and not pumping very good before my husband passed on and so he turned it off before winter and when we attempted to turn it on again in the spring, it will not work.  I do not see the neighbor coming forth to help pay for repairs that were probably caused because of his abuse to the well.  In fact, he will not even mention using it so I think he knows he is responsible.  But I've never said a word to him about it or even asked him to pay for anything.  I've just kept it off and have to rely on our rural water system which is costly if I use it to water much.

He started last fall complaining about all my cats.  He would look into my yard seeing them and then call me over to the fence and tell me they were coming over to his house and tearing up his things.  He has three dogs and a cat of his own so I don't know how he knows it is only my cats that are doing all he says.  Seeing how I've seen his dogs jump up on the yard swings and his cat has walked all over them and even on the cover over them and yet he claims it is my cats doing it.  Guess I'll have to get a picture to show him.

Anyway he has yelled at me, threatened me by telling me that he will kill my cats if they get into his yard and that he will sic his dogs on them.  I try to keep them home but a cat will roam and mine aren't the only ones in the neighborhood but to him, they are and he is bound determined to get rid of them.

He has set up a trap and we know that he has trapped three of them, with him telling one neighbor that he was taking it down to the lake.  They saw the cat in the cage and when he returned later, it was gone and then he bragged that he would lock up his dogs, bait the trap and catch them and he was going to get rid of all my cats one way or the other.

This is one of his ways of bullying.  He cannot control me or make me do what he says or allow him to do what he wants on my property so he knows that it will upset me and make me angry and so what better way to "get even."

I can't stop him from setting up the cage and it is hard to prove that he is actually enticing them over to his property to catch them and I have called the sheriff to file a complaint and to let them know that he is only doing this to intimidate and ire me and as hard as it will be, I have to look the other way and not speak to him or have contact with him and if he persists in speaking to me other than a casual greeting, then I am to call the authorities as it is a form of harassment.

The evil part comes as I sat out on my porch the other night and watched as he took an air rifle and fired at a cat walking down the street, not even close to his house and when it jumped the fence into another neighbor's yard, their dog began to chase it.  This evil bully stood on his porch with his hands crossed on top of his fat belly and gave the most evil laugh I've ever heard.  He thought it was the funniest thing he ever saw and his wife was sitting there listening and didn't say a word.

This same man who as I said thinks he is so smart and knows more and can do more is one who will go to another resident in the area and take his tractor or to another to get his kubota after the county had put down gravel on our road, to push it around close to his driveway to fill in and build it up.  He has used the tractor during our big snow storm to clear the road, leaving a huge pile of snow at the end of my drive after my daughter hand dug it out so we could get a vehicle out.  There was over 2 ft. of snow on the ground and she worked hard only to have him block us in.  Then he got angry when I asked him to clear it and pushed it back into my yard, leaving a deep gash where he dug down and took grass and dirt along with the snow drift.  Again, I kept my composure even though it was hard and didn't make a case out of it but because I asked him to do something after he thought he had done such a fantastic job of clearing the road, it angered him so I kept quiet and knew that come spring time I could fill in the gouging and hoped he wouldn't do it again.

I try not to let the petty things bother me but when they just keep compounding and each time they get a little worse, then it is time to call him out.  And this time I did.  He will probably really retaliate now since I've called the sheriff and had a confrontation with him over this incident.

I must also say that I'm not the only neighbor that has a problem with him but I seem to suffer the most since I'm right next door but he has also tried to tell them that they need to do things or how to do things and he has been ordered off their property just as he has mine.  He borrowed a trailer from another neighbor and somehow damaged the the part that hooks on to a vehicle.  He attempted to repair it but it does not work right and has to be chained down and even then not safe so for all purposes, the trailer is ruined and he never said a word.  He took it back when the neighbor was gone and parked it in his yard without a word and later when asked, at first pretended he didn't know but later said it was minor and he fixed it and let it go.

But what to do about this kind of neighbor is perplexing to say the least.  I will do as the sheriff's deputy advised and not speak or have contact with him but my heart will break each time I see him carting off one of my cats or doing harm to them.  He is a cruel sick evil man who claims he loves animals, but the only ones he cares about is his own.  He carries the cheapest dog treats he can buy and will drive around the area in his golf cart throwing them over fences to other people's dogs and yet no one is allowed to give his dogs a "treat".  He has ruined dogs that have been trained to be watch dogs as he is gaining their trust and he even encouraged one of my dogs to climb the fence to get into his yard and then he played with her.  He even went so far as to throw a dog toy into my yard as he told me that she loved it so much that she could have it.  I threw it back and told him to keep his dog toys and not to encourage her.  He just laughed and told me he liked to play with her.  I had to find another home for her since he had taught her how to climb the fence and had ruined her for a watch dog for me.

I hate to think about selling my home to move elsewhere as it will only make him think he won and that he was smart enough to make me leave here.  I will not give him that satisfaction.  It may be hard for me emotionally but I will pray for the strength I need to keep my distance from him and hope that maybe one day he will realize that no matter what he does, it will make no difference so all the "fun" will go out of trying to upset me.  He is an evil bully who I now call the "whacko" as I really think he has lost his mind and senses and is just an old cruel man who must hate himself as well to be so hateful to all his neighbors. 

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day

I've been a mother for over 47 years and I feel everyday is Mother's Day.  I received two of the best gifts ever, one on October 14, 1964 and the other on October 28, 1968.  Those are the birthdates of my two daughters who I feel give back to me everyday in some way or other.  Sometimes it is subtle, other times very elaborate and celebratory.  Either way they are my two precious gifts and they have given me four wonderful grandchildren between them.  That is another gift from them that is irreplaceable.

I don't like to get all sappy but when I get into a reflective mood, I think about about the day they were born, what we were doing, where we were living and then I start remembering their first step, first words and then the first day of school.

It brings a smile to my face when I think about their growing up years, the vacations we took, the birthday parties, the games we used to play, first dates and then graduation and moving out on their own.  But it is always hard when the child leaves as an adult ready to face the challenges of the world and all a mother can do is pray that she had done her job and they will be a success and most of all be happy.

I feel blessed that they both are independent and successful in their own ways.  They may not be wealthy but in a lot of ways they are wealthy in means way beyond finances.  They have worked hard and they have taken care of their own children which makes me proud when I see them and see how my grandchildren are turning out.  

The oldest grandson has a great job with a great future ahead of him and the next is entering that stage in her life where she is growing into a young woman who already knows what she wants for her future.  The next one is at that stage of betwixt.  She is still a child and yet wants to be grown up and she will soon enough.  The youngest is at the age of youth.  Not yet in his teens but active in his own way with a great imagination and I know that all of them will go on to be a success in whatever they do.

So as I get ready to celebrate another Mother's Day, I will enjoy the cards  and gifts I have received, await the phone calls to hear those sweet voices and rejoice in knowing I still have the best gifts I ever received.

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my daughters who are now mothers and in memory to my own mother who in her wise wisdom gave me the values to instill in my own daughters.  It is a gift that is passed down from generation to generation, the love of a Mother for her child and the gift they give back with their love.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day 2012

April has come and gone and very quickly I might add.  I'm not sure how it passed by so fast without much notice but here we are celebrating the first day of May.  In fact, it is hard to believe that it is the beginning of the fifth month of this new year.  I guess that old saying, "the older you get, the faster time goes," is true.

Yesterday, April 30, was my birthday and it was a grand day.  My oldest daughter came down to spend the day with me.  We made a trip to Walmart where she bought my present, four bags of mulch to put in an area on the north end of the house.  It was the nicest gift and something I really wanted and could use.  She also brought down a cake and then ordered in pizza to be shared by my grandson, Zach and his friend, Bob and my friend and neighbor, Spike.  We all had a good time visiting and after everyone went home, Melanie and I went out to sit on the porch and talked.  It was a nice evening and gave us a chance to catch up on our visiting. 

She spent the night so this morning she helped me put down the mulch and then we worked on the shed behind the house.  We found some items for the upcoming yard sale and did some organizing and clean up.  It was as much fun as work at times when we would discover something I hadn't seen for a while and a few items I didn't even know were there as they had belonged to my husband.  Since she still has some things stored out there, we went through them as well.  We got a lot done but still a little more to do and I can handle it on my own.

We had a nice lunch and then went out to the other shed where we are storing all the yard sale stuff and got it marked and separated.  Not sure when we will be having the sale but hope it will be soon as I'd like to clean up that shed as well.

We took a rest before she had to start back and sat out on the porch.  It was a gorgeous day but a little on the windy side but made it comfortable to sit out there.  We also discovered there were kittens in my car and when we lifted the hood, we found three little ones wrapped around the engine compartment.  We got them out and hopefully they learned and won't get in there again but I'll be checking before starting up the car.  They are at the age where the mama cat is beginning to wean them, so they scamper here and there and want to act big and brave but like to hide in those hard to get to places.

We had a great time together and it has been a quiet evening for me but I have some good memories and I know we can always talk on the phone.  

I did talk to my other daughter who is experiencing some aggravating rashes that the doctors keep giving her meds for but don't seem to be helping.  Hopefully they might have her on something now that will help her.  Not sure what it is but they said it was allergic reaction to some plant or something.  Makes you wonder just how competent they are if they aren't even sure about it.  So I hope it heals up soon and she gets some relief.

She called me yesterday evening and I got to talk to each of the grandkids too.  That was a nice little gift too. It would have been nice to have seen them but to talk to them was just as good.

Anyway, the day is over and now we are starting a whole new month.  It won't be much longer and we will be out of this spring weather into summer and hopefully it won't be a long hot and dry summer like we had last year.

We didn't wrap any may poles today or deliver any may baskets but it was still a great day.

Friday, April 20, 2012

April Tidbits

I've meant to come in and write something all month but it seemed there was always something coming up and I'd miss the opportunity.

April 1st, April Fool's Day.  Luckily I didn't have any pranks pulled on me and unfortunately I didn't pull any on anyone else.  But I guess that is a good thing.

Easter.  I can remember Easter past when we would have an egg hunt and the kids were here for dinner and we would gather for a mini reunion but this year I was alone.  I didn't even get the Easter Egg collection out.  The family is scattered and working or have their own things to do which is normal as families grow and get involved in their own lives.  Sometimes I wonder though if we should make a more concentrated effort to get back to the way we used to do things.  We are in such a rat race anymore.  Now, there are circumstances and I certainly understand them.  Sometimes it is necessary to work just to survive.  Especially in this day and age.  The economy has deteriorated until it makes it almost impossible sometimes to do the things we have done in the past.  

With high gas prices, we can't just get into the car and drive to see the family without seeing where we have to cut something out of the budget so we can afford the trip.  And then there is the cost of extras for a trip, food or even lodging at times.  And of course, there is the every day survival.

But I talked with my family and I won't complain as I know it is a fact of life that it changes and sometimes we cannot control those changes so we learn how to live with them.

This has been a weird month with the weather, starting out very warm and I called the serviceman to checkout the a/c and since then haven't had the warm weather to even use it.  There are days when the furnace clicks on due to the damp chilly day or a chilly night.  We've had our fair share of storms and rain and I hope we don't float away but at the same time I don't want the fountain to shut off completely as I dread another hot dry summer.

This past week has been something else.  It started out nice after all the horrible weather we had over the previous weekend with the tornadoes and bad storms.  I got the mower out and was ready to work when it broke.  Luckily I have a young neighbor across the street who told me what it was and we were able to order the part and he will be able to fix it and get me going again.  But on that same day, I went to turn on the outside outlet which is a no-fault ground outlet but I heard the sizzle and saw the smoke coming out of it.  All the rains we've had, it had gotten wet and shorted out.  So it was a call to an electrician the same day I had to order repair parts for the mower.  I could see the $$ adding up.

I again feel lucky and fortunate as the part wasn't all that expensive and the quote for the electrical work plus a couple of other things I wanted done and had put off was well within reason.  I guess the shorted out electric outlet was my signal to quit procrastinating and get the electrician out here to do the other work I needed done.  For instance, he will use the wiring from the old hookup that we installed for the trailer to run a new line and install another outlet for me outside on the north side of the house.  We have a shortage of outside outlets so it will be great to have another one.  Plus he will lower the porch light on the north side.  It was mounted almost to the peak of the house and required a ladder to change the light bulb but he can lower it so I can use the step stool.  Little things but so important.

On the 17th, my youngest grandson turned 11.  Oh, these kids are growing up so fast.

My neighbor has been fishing and has caught a huge mess so the last of this month we will be having a big fish fry.  My mouth is already watering.  He can make the best catfish filets and hush puppies.

I'm still working on my landscaping in the front and hopefully once this weather settles down, I can really get busy and get it finished.  I have the timbers in place but haven't put the plastic down yet.  I'll wait until I get the mulch here for that.  Then I can get my flowers and plant them and soon the old place will be all spruced up for the rest of spring into summer and fall.

Just a few tidbits about what is going on in my little corner of the world.  I hope you and yours are doing well.  Until next time, smile and be happy and don't let life's little mishaps get you down.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Springtime in Oklahoma

After a very mild winter, one of which I am most thankful for, our spring came early.  The Daffodils were up and blooming by mid February and the Hyacinths which usually are just beginning their bloom have bloomed and are going dormant now. 

Spring has come early to Oklahoma.  But with it also comes the unstable weather.  I wanted to work in the yard, raking leaves to burn or mulch.  I discovered quickly that the most calmest day could change with a snap of the fingers or should I say, the start of the rake as I raked leaves into a pile.  All of a sudden, a slight breeze would appear from no where and then get stronger until all my work went right back to where it all started.

It is the same way with the mower.  I got it out one day when it was nice and calm and before I had made one round the wind had suddenly appeared and from then on, I think I received more of the dirt and mulched up leaves than was left on the ground.

I don't remember having this much wind in Oklahoma when we lived here before but now there are days when I'm housebound somewhat due to the wind blowing.  It is too much to do any raking and forget about burning the pile of leaves if I do get them raked.

But I also have one other little problem.  One night, it was calm and I took advantage of the lateness of the evening to rake a nice large pile of leaves into the driveway.  I was raking away and heard a noise.  I turned to see two of my kitty cats running and jumping in the middle of the pile and digging away as if looking for treasure.  Reminded me of my own daughters when they were young and we would tell them to rake up the leaves only to see them jumping in the pile and having a ball.  Needless to say I was able to get the kitties away and burned the one small pile as the sun set and darkness set in.  Making sure the embers were out, I retired for the night hoping the next day would be nice enough that I could burn the rest.  But when I am raking now, they seemed to think it is play time.

But the next day Mother Nature had other ideas.  First, she turned on the wind to blow the pile of remaining leaves into all the nooks and crannies where they could pile up and collect and when she turned off the wind, she turned on the faucet.  Yes, rain with all its glory of thunder, lightning, wind and downpours.  For over 48 hours, we could only look out to see the puddles forming.

It was a great thing for the yard and flowers and trees and after the drought we suffered last year, the soil soaked up the moisture and the trees were taking in as much as they could.  With the new leaves forming, they needed the good drink and they got it.  The pollen they had been shedding was being washed away leaving yellow streaks on the sidewalk where it had formed into streamlets from the rain.

Ah, the occasional break with the sun peeking through and sometimes even giving us the clear blue sky only to cover up again with storm clouds and more rain showers.  Mother Nature does like to tease during the spring time.  At times, her fury is unleashed as the storms increase causing damage but we know her temper will subside soon and the gentle rains will go away along with the storms, or most of them.

As we progress from spring into summer, the storms she gives us are more severe and more threatening but are few and far between, but at the time, we head for cover waiting for her vengeance to end and praying that we have escaped her fury.

But then, we can have the most loveliest of days, perhaps a very gentle breeze but warm sunshine and the joy of being outside with nature to enjoy the beauty it gives us.  To take walks or to sit on the porch to listen to the birds and as I like to say, watch the world go by.  To visit with neighbors and friends is one of the joys of springtime and being able to be outside.

I think I like the springtime the best in Oklahoma.  The days are warm and to watch the waking of the trees and flowers after their winter nap makes each day seem special and alive with the new life.  To put up with a few rain drops occasionally can be a nuisance but I know it is a requirement so I bide my time knowing that once the rain is gone, the sun will shine and it is springtime in Oklahoma.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

In Memory

It was a year ago today that I had a message on my answering machine that my mother had passed away.  I was expecting it but at the same time, we are never ready to let someone we love go.  It had just been over a year that I had lost my husband and now I had lost my other best friend, my mother.  The grief I felt was deep but at the same time I felt some relief knowing she was no longer in pain or discomfort.  Her last few weeks had been horrible for her.  She had been taken from a nice caring place and subjected to a long ride which resulted in a stroke.  Then based upon false information, she was put through tests and treatments that were unnecessary and only tormented and tortured her.

I think that is what hurt the worst.  My brother and I had a long talk with her before we took her to the care home and we had a long talk with her afterwards and she was accepting her life change and  settling in.  But a family member could not accept it and through lies and deceit convinced her to leave.  The act of one unselfish and jealous person would hasten my mother's death.  It was so inconceivable to my brother and I that anyone could treat another human being the way my mother was treated.  And the fact, that we were cut off with communicating with her until it was near the end and she was in such a state that she didn't recognize our voices or heard what we said hurt both of us deeply.

As we both repeated how much we loved her and wished her the best, she was beyond comprehension.  In one short month, she had been turned from a social human being into one who was completely helpless.  We stood by and could do nothing but pray that she would find peace and her suffering would end.

It is a memory that I wish I could put away but I can't.  I feel as if I never really got to say good bye to her.  But I do know this and no one could ever change her mind.  My mother loved her children and even though she might not have been able to communicate with us, I'm sure she knew my brother and I loved her and were concerned for her regardless what she was being told or how she was being treated.

In this past year, I don't know how many times I've gone to the phone to call her to tell her about something.  I called her every Sunday for years and we would talk anywhere from an hour to three hours.  We talked about what we were doing or what the kids and grandkids were doing.  We talked about politics sometimes, but we each knew our limit but we still enjoyed a good conversation every now and then but most of all we did a lot of laughing.  Sometimes she would be in a reflective mood and tell me about growing up or the early years when my brother and I were small or something about the family.  I relish those conversations that we had and miss them so much.

It is hard to believe that it has been over a year since I last heard her voice.  But there are times when I think I hear her and I can see her in my mind, laughing and giving us that all knowing sly smile she often flashed at us.  She was a strong woman who chose to live on her own until almost the very end and she only gave up when her eyesight had failed her to the point she was almost completely blind.  She managed very well and now that I am on my own, I remember some of the things she told me which have helped me overcome some of the difficulties I've faced.  She always said to stop and think and not just jump at the first thing that came along and to take each day as it came because there was no way to go back to do over the previous day and we don't know what lay ahead of us.  She believed in God and in heaven and I know she is there and she always told me as well as my brother and her younger child that we should live a good but righteous life.  I think that is why my faith is so strong.  She was a good teacher and a good example.

So Mom, if you are looking down on me, I hope I am doing everything you taught me and making you proud.  I know that you are with Dad and Harold (Danny) and I miss you all so much but I hope you are looking down on me and that I am making you all proud.  And the memories of our good times will always be with me.  I love you and I miss you.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Simple Things

We all experience little things that makes us happy and they don't all have to be large extravagant things.  Most of them are small and maybe a little insignificant to others but they mean a lot to us.  It is the simple things sometimes that can make us happiest.

Maybe it is a phone call from a child or grandchild just to talk or a visit from someone who haven't seen in a while.  It could be the first blooms of spring that brings a smile as you know it won't be long until the cold days of winter are behind us.

Recently I've had a series of simple things that have brought me happiness.  A neighbor who used to live across the street from me came by and I got to see her 4 month old baby boy.  I hadn't seen him since he was about 3 weeks old so he had changed.  I told her the first time I saw her that he gave me a smile and of course she just assumed he had gas but the other day she couldn't say that when he gave me the biggest smile and even giggled at me.  And when I took him, he giggled again.  So either I look awfully funny to him or he likes me and I think it is the later.  And there is nothing sweeter than a happy baby with a smile and who will snuggle up to you.

Then one evening the phone rang and it was my youngest granddaughter.  She was working on a school project and thought maybe I could help her.  We had more fun as I researched things on the internet to tell her about and stories from my memories.  Talking and laughing made the learning fun for her and I just enjoyed being able to enlighten her to something of my past too.

I've been desperately trying to find someone who could help me do a small remodeling job and was about ready to start doing it on my own, right or wrong, I was at the point that I wanted it done one way or the other.  And then, out of the blue, my neighbor's father approached me with a trade off.  He would do the work in exchange for some lumber I had and hadn't been able to sell.

It took him just a little over two days to put up a dividing wall on my long screened in patio.  He screened it and installed a door and then preceded to open the closed end so now I have a screened in porch and a carport.  It makes it very nice and handy as I can park close to the front door and the weather will not be a problem.

Having a place to park the car out of the weather is a very important thing to me as I always worried about a tree limb coming down or hail and now I know it is protected.  And I still have a nice size screened in porch that I can enjoy.

I've got so many good friends that have been there for me and are still here for me.  It is nice to be with them and talk and laugh and to go do fun things.

So maybe I don't live the most exciting life with a lot of pomp and circumstance but there are a lot of simple things that make me smile and makes me happy.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Where Did Winter Go?

I'm not complaining but I just wonder where it went this year.  We have had one of the mildest winters in a long, long time and I for one am very grateful.  We have had a few cold days and even a little snow but not like the past few winters and I have to admit that it has been very nice.

The aches and pains that come with the cold weather have been absent and the blahs that accompany days of being closed up in a house have been few as well.

When I was a youngster, I could hardly wait for winter and the snow.  But then I was young, no pains or aches and it was so much fun to get the old sled out and go sledding or to build a snow man or snow castle to have snowball fights.  It was fun to lie in the snow to make snow angels and no matter what the temperature, I would stay outside until I was almost frost bitten.

But now, that I've reached these golden years, I detest the cold and I can live without the snow.  I don't plan to do any sledding at my age or I would end up with more than just aches and pains.  I don't mind staying inside on a cold blustery day where it is warm and cozy.

I remember how I used to look forward to getting that new winter coat every year and now I'll wear the same one year after year after year, the only requirement is that it will keep me warm against those cold winds.

For the past couple of days, it has been warm and sunny and almost spring like.  I think I'm getting the fever but I know that there are still some cold days ahead of us and maybe even more snow but the weatherman keeps saying it is unlikely or if so, just a dusting or so.  Of course, that could mean we could see a blizzard before Miss Spring officially steps out for her debut.

She is teasing with the daffodils up and budded with an occasional bloom now and then.  She would like to bud out the trees but is just hinting at it for now, but if this nice weather continues, I know her enthusiasm will overflow and she won't be able to contain herself.

So if Mr. Winter is mild this year, we'll give him the time to rest as long as Miss Spring will be allowed to stay with us for awhile.  She can warm us gradually as we ease into Miss Summer with her long and very warm days and nights.

Keeping fingers crossed that Mr. Winter has decided to take a long rest and that Miss Spring will be sprouting her beauty soon.