I've tried not to interject my political views on this blog but for the past few weeks, I have almost thrown something at my TV when the news comes on. So from now on, the TV goes off. I can get my weather report from my computer and I will not have to listen to the constant barrage from the biased media that "I" along with all other Conservatives want one particular candidate.
Since when did the media decide that they know what the public wants or to be able to tell us how to vote? I'm sick of it and I'm sick of their biased reporting and false polls and innuendos. It is a known fact that when you consistently push an agenda such as a "favored" candidate, that eventually the people think, "well, maybe they are on to something I'm not seeing," and sadly to say, they go along. Yes, the people are becoming sheeps and follow the leader, right or wrong.
WAKE UP PEOPLE! This is still America and we do not have to listen to or be coerced by the media to choose the person they think is right for us. Especially since they, the media, are on the liberal side of the coin and are going against everything a conservative thinks or feels.
We have had almost four years of tyranny because they pushed for the man who sits in the White House right now. His phony promises were so vivid during the campaign and yet the media praised him and exalted him to a throne convincing several uninformed Americans to go along with him. Yes, I said uninformed. So many only listen to one or two of the news programs or channels and eventually they are literally brain washed to thinking that if the media says that is the right one, well, then maybe that is the way they should go. I have some good friends who will only listen to what is referred to as "main stream media". They believe everything they hear because it comes from the reporter and why would they lie. They are uninformed as they will only listen to one side.
I was raised to believe that we are all equal and we all have the right to choose our elected officials based on how their values reflect what is best for me, for you and most of all for our country. But now, everything is turned upside down and the values have flown out the window for so many. Even our schools don't teach about the Constitution or how government works.
So when our children are not being taught values, then what kind of future is ahead for us. I worry about my grandchildren and the type of life they will be facing as they grown into adult hood. Are they really going to be free to work and play or are they going to have to follow the leader and be led down the path to destruction. The saddest thing is that when they don't know any different, they go willingly. It is scary as well.
I'm not alone in this way of thinking. I've talked with people all across this nation as well as my own friends and neighbors close by and it is amazing how different we think compared to what the media keeps saying how we are thinking. Probably if anyone could do an honest poll, they would find out that a large percent of this country does not agree with what the media is saying or even who they are pushing at the "people's candidate". Their pursuit is hogwash, pure and simple.
We have a process in this country where a candidate campaigns as to what his values are and it is up to us, The People, to make the decision if that is who we feel is capable of sitting in that chair and making the decisions for our country. And during that campaign process, you have to listen closely as they often make promises they can't possibly keep and the ones who really make the strongest promises are the ones we need to run away as fast as we can from because they are only promises to get them elected and they could care less of what is good for the people. We already have that now and have had it since 2008.
The President cannot do it alone. He has to work with our Congress that is just about as tainted as the media is in their false reporting. Our government is out of control and the only way to get it back on track is for the people to stand up and say, "Enough." We elect those officials to work for us, to take care of the business of the country, not to enact laws that suit their needs or their interest or the interest of a few. That old saying, "The wheel that squeaks loudest gets greased," comes to mind. I guess the rest of us aren't squeaking loud enough and the few who are, are the ones who are getting the cream of the crop and getting what they want when they want it.
Well, I'm about to start squeaking loud enough to try to get some notice. I'm tired of the way this country is being run. I'm tired of the media telling me to turn the other cheek and to listen to them as they know best. I'm tired of seeing my freedom slowly sliding away and being condemned for thinking any other way.
I haven't made up my mind who I think might be the best. I am still listening and watching and when it comes to it, I'll make up my mind. But I don't like someone telling me that I have to go with one particular one because that is who they think should win. And the sorry thing is that should that individual be the candidate, I could not vote for him but I could not vote for the incumbent either so for the first time in many, many years I will give up that right.
I'll put it this way. If you had to make a choice to go down a road that you knew would end suddenly and found out you were trapped and couldn't return or to go down a road that would lead you to a disaster, what would you do? Would you want to be trapped for the rest of your life or face a disaster which could mean losing your freedoms or even death? And with the current regime, yes it is a regime, if you are old, you are worthless and they would just as soon get rid of the older generation as to look at them. HEY WAIT A MINUTE! One day they are going to be old. Have they thought of that? No. They are selfish and greedy and only want what they want right now. Be damned with everyone else.
I'm mad. I think I'm madder now than I was four years ago. I also think I'm going to be mad for a very long time unless the people really wake up and see what is going on around them and to stand up and scream if you have to, but we need to start getting the rest of the wheels greased so that we can be the America that everyone knows. I really don't want to live in the U.S.S.A.
But for now, I'll change the channel and not listen to the biased media trying to tell me how to make my decision. I hope and I pray that however this primary selection turns out, that we will end up with a candidate that is capable and will help turn this country around. But if it is a contest between Romney and Obama, I don't see a real choice and will let fate take its course as I couldn't vote for either one of them.
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