Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Training an Old Dog New Tricks??

That is probably what my grandson is thinking.  I had to get a new computer as my old trusty 8 year old HP finally gave up.  So this past weekend, my grandson, Zach, brought down the new one after he had made some adjustments to it and upgraded it for me.  It isn't brand new but almost and should last a while (I hope).  Anyway we all gathered for a birthday celebration as well and Zach hooked up the new computer and there were some updates and installations that needed to be done and then it was time to show me how to work it.

Now, I'm no genius when it comes to computers but I have learned a few things but they just keep changing things and making it tougher each time.

I can remember the first one we ever bought, a Commodore 64 in the 80's.  I did learn how to use it after I finally agreed to it.  I was really against a computer but I learned to do some simple programming and then when I got a job that had a computer, I had to learn more but I was fortunate that I worked for a company that did programming for businesses and they allowed me to explore the computer but also showed me so many things.  The computer that I was using was a HP 386.  I taught myself how to use Word Perfect, Lotus 123 and Quicken on that computer.  For one thing I had to use the Word Perfect in place of a typewriter and the Lotus spreadsheet was for record keeping while the Quicken was our banking business.  I called the time I worked there my computer training as I learned a lot but I realized later that there was even more to learn.

I can remember when we upgraded our Commodore to a 386 and then later to the Windows 98.  I was using that at my current employer and not only did it have all the things I knew but it also had a special program built in that I had to learn how to use as it was designed for the business.

I felt I was confident to use the computer for small business and fairly quick to learn new programs but then I began to get older.  We had to retire the Windows 98 in 2005 shortly after we retired because it had reached its limit and I say it was just plain tired.  I had used it extensively with our farm records and banking records and reports that we gave to the accountant each year to do our taxes.

In 2005 we bought another HP with XP on it and I was in love.  I had already used the old computer to write three books on and with this new one, I was ready to tackle more and soon had written the fourth and then on to the fifth and sixth and seventh plus numerous short stories.  It was a work horse and went for hours at a time when I was in the writing mood.  I didn't really have to keep any business records since we were retired.  However my husband got his own computer and after some tutoring he learned how to use it to keep records for his little retirement business.

And to be honest, I had heard about the "new" computers and how different the operating systems were from the "simple" ones I was used too.  I prayed each day for my HP to keep on working even though it was getting slower but then I'm older and I'm slower too so I put up with it.  But then two weeks ago, it decided it had enough and just quit on me.  I had no choice but to replace it.

So here I am with a new computer and a new operating system, Windows 7, and everything is greek to me.  Zach showed me a few things and I know the basics so have been able to do a few things but there are other things that have me completely bamboozled.

Luckily I have a wonderful grandson who has been patient and will be coming back down soon to help me transfer from files from the old hard drive over to this new one and maybe he will be able to train me on how to do some of the new fangled things that are on here now.

I've been spoiled by having programs available that help me through things and this time I don't have those easy to do programs so even though it will still do the same thing, I just have to learn how to go about it differently.  And I might be a little impatient as I want to do a few things but can't until I have been taught the new way of doing it.  

I guess you can train an old dog, but it might just take longer and bless his heart for putting up with me and my dumb questions.  Love you Zach.

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