Friday, October 1, 2010

The First Place

I think everyone remembers the first place they had that was all theirs, not the home of the parents or a friend, but their very own place.  It might be a small apartment or a small house, but it was all ours and we could fix it up the way we wanted and we could do what we wanted.

My grandson has just rented his first place.  It is a nice small two bedroom home that is roomy enough for him and very nice.  He is so happy with it and already has plans for where he will be putting his sofa, when he gets one, the TV and will have one room just for his computer equipment.

His mother and I have been gathering things that he will need to start up housekeeping, towels, plates, glasses, pans, utensils and a whole slew of other things we happened to think about.  His dad has contributed a few things like a microwave and a bedroom suite.

They went to the store tonight to buy groceries and a staples such as foil, spices, baggies and little things we don't really think about but are needed if a person is to live there.

Of course, he had to have some housewarming gifts for his new home.  I got him a penny candy jar to use as a cookie jar and filled it with one of his favorite cookies.  I found a cute little Fall floral arrangement he can put on his table.  For now he will use a card table but will have a real table soon.  I also got him a Fall wreath to hang on his front door.  His mother gave him some hand soap and a candle and then presented him with a new home welcome kit.  A loaf of bread so there would be no hunger, a box of salt so that there would always be seasoning and a bottle of wine so there would always be joy.

He was quite pleased and as they fixed a pizza in his oven, we put down shelf paper in his shelves and began to unpack some of the sacks of things they had bought while we visited and he told us what he wanted to do.

It brought back so many memories of the first place my husband and I had.  Neither one of us had a place of our own until we got married.  He was in the service and we were a long way from home but rented a small apartment that was a studio apartment.  The Murphy bed was in the living room but it was a nice place and we were thrilled with it.  But our first stop was to a Woolworth's where we bought pans and other little things we needed plus a stop at a grocery store to stock up on food.  Then it was unpacking the car that had brought us 1500 miles from our families.  I had bought dishes, silverware and we had towels and sheets and little knick knacks plus all of our clothes.  It didn't take long and we were settled into our new place.  We found a used furniture store and bought a console TV for $20 which was a lot of money in 1962 but it was nice and it worked.  The apartment was furnished so we didn't have to buy furniture. 

It also brought back some memories of when my oldest daughter moved out on her own and all the little things we bought for her to help her start up her housekeeping.  She lived with friends which helped on the rent part and the only time she ever had an apartment by herself, she only stayed two months because she had mice and refused to stay there.  I can't say that I blame her but they could have been contained but it was too much and she moved back home until she found another place.

My youngest moved out to live with a school friend and they worked and went to college but were fortunate to have a house that belonged to her family to rent at a low rate.  They had most of the furniture from her room mate's family and between them they managed to get what they needed to get started.

That seems like so many years ago and yet it hasn't been.  But now, my almost 20 year old grandson is moving out on his own.  He has gone from that small youngsters running around laughing and showing us his toys to the young man who was interested in computers and began following his dream and now is a very bright mature young man with a good job and is starting a new venture in his life, having his own home.

I'm so proud of him for the young man he has grown in to and I look forward to many visits to his home and I'm sure he'll have something new to show me each time.  And the fun of being able to find little things for him and his new home is just beginning.


  1. I can feel your pride in your grandson in your posted words. I too know that feeling except when it came to my youngest grandchild, he decided to serve his country. He has always played soldiers and wanted to be a Marine. He is now a marine and loving it. I remember my first place too and how excited I always was to be on my own. The place was small and very limited but it was all mine and I loved it. Great blog!

  2. Thank you Chatty Lady. I am very proud of him. He hasn't been in the military but says if he has to go, he'll join the Navy like his grandfather. Right now he is a computer tech for a defense contractor.
