My how the year is going by. It just seems like yesterday that we were wearing shorts and sandals and trying to stay cool and now we've dug out the heavy sweaters, sweats and heavy coats as we prepare for winter.
We had a nice but quiet Thanksgiving. It was my oldest daughter and grandson and myself but we had a good dinner and naturally ate too much but that is par for a Thanksgiving meal. I hadn't made pumpkin pie in years as my husband always made them. It was his favorite and he wanted to know how so I told him and from then on, he made the pumpkin pie. But this year I made them. With only the three of us and basically just Melanie and I to eat them, I knew we couldn't eat two so I gave one to our neighbors across the street. We enjoyed the other one.
We spent some time in the afternoon playing the Wii and then my grandson showed us how he could play Guitar Hero. He is good at it. I can barely keep up with the notes as they go flying by but his fingers work the guitar quickly and he makes it look so easy, just as I do with my typing only I'm writing down the words in my mind, not looking at flying colors coming at me on a TV screen and trying to make my fingers match what I'm seeing. I think I must be getting old and the coordination isn't quite what it used to be.
But now we are in my favorite season as far as holidays go. I don't care for winter with its cold and ice and snow. It had to show us that it could do something and produced ice on Thanksgiving day but that is all that I care for so it doesn't have to show us again. I had put up my outside lights and decorations before Thanksgiving when the weather had given us a couple of warm days. They were windy days but I managed to get everything in place and ready to hook up to the power and on Thanksgiving afternoon I set the timers so that night at dark, everything would come on automatically for a few hours.
The tree was up and decorated and again the lights came on Thanksgiving day and the day after was for removing the fall decorations inside and putting up the Christmas ones. It always takes me a few days as I savor each and every decoration, making sure it is just the way I want it and a pleasure to look at.
This year I've included the collections and favorites of my husband and feel he is with us in spirit. I know he would be pleased with what I have done and it gives me some good memories as I look around at all of them.
I'll be starting the cookie and candy making this next week as I'll be including some goodies in the package I'll send off to my daughter and three grandchildren in Arkansas. The weather can be so unpredictable so we don't even plan for a Christmas get together as we just never know what it will be and sometimes we can even be surprised as we were on Thanksgiving as the ice was not predicted but we go it just the same.
I've got the gifts bought and wrapped with the exception of something for my oldest daughter to have on Christmas and perhaps a stocking stuffer for my grandson. Since my oldest daughter and I decided to go together and buy a gift that we would share we have already received our gift.
We got an USB turntable to convert our LP albums into CD's. She's been playing with it and has made a couple of CD's already. When she is done, then we'll bring it in and hook it up to my computer and see if I can figure it out and make some too. We both have a lot of records and some are not available on CD so will be a treat that we'll be able to hear some of the oldies but goodies.
December. The month which ends the year. A busy time even if it is winter, but a glorious time as well, with color and smells and sounds that makes the merriement of Christmas. The secrets and gaily wrapped gifts, the special treats homemade from the kitchen and yet it will end on New Years Eve as this year passes and a new one begins.
It hasn't been a good year in a lot of ways and yet we have been blessed. The loss of my husband in January still hurts and he is missed every day, but then I look at the good things that have happened to my grandson and especially my daughter. They both have found good jobs that they like and my grandson has moved into his first place and is settling in learning the responsibilities of being on his own. My daughter is finally able to catch up and have a little extra now that she can put back in her savings.
I'm so thankful that things have turned around for both of them, but especially my daughter as she went through some very rough times and at last the blessings have been put on her and she is getting her life back on track and finding her happiness again.
So as we end this year, we will spend each day remembering the past year but also planning for the new one and what lies ahead of us. We will be thankful for what we have and will cherish the memories we've made, the memories from the past as we move forward to the future. We will remember our lost loved one and hope the next year will ease the pain we still feel in our hearts while allowing us to remember all the good times.
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