Friday, December 10, 2010

Tis The Night Before Christmas

Tis the night before Christmas
said the cat to the mouse.
We have to get busy
and light up this house.

Santa will be coming late this night,
so let's be good and will not fight.
He'll bring you cracker and cheese,
I'll ask for catnip and say please.

He'll arrive in his sleigh,
pulled by all those reindeer.
And I know we will hear him say,
If you've been good, then you need not fear.

Those cookies, you cannot nibble,
I will know as you will dribble.
I promise I will not lap up the milk.
I won't knead that pillow of silk.

As the cat said to the mouse,
while they hid in the house.
Now, we've hung our stocking.
We must fall asleep said the mouse, mocking.

In the morning when we awake,
we can look out the window and see nary a flake.
But Santa will bring us our gifts,
as he has seen our lists.

As the cat and mouse nestled together,
to keep warm in this cold weather.
 The sleigh and reindeer did come
and Santa did his Ho Hum!

As Santa flew away
in that big sleigh,
He called out as he took flight,
Merry Christmas to all and to all
   a good night.

Copyright (c) 2010

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