Sunday, August 29, 2010

An evening with Mr. Lucky

Mr. Lucky is a long haired multi color cat that I gave to my grandson, Zach.  He was just a kitten and Zach had no place to keep him, so his mother agreed to let Lucky come live with her and her two cats, Oliver and Prissy, in the trailer she lives in next to me. 

That in itself has been quite the adventure as every day I hear a new tale about Mr. Lucky and his antics and believe me he is one cat who is so curious and mischievious that he is always in trouble.  But he has the sweetest face and gives you that sweet innocent look and just melts your heart.

My daughter and I decided we were going to treat ourselves to a pizza last night and I went to her trailer to eat with her and that is when the evening started.

Mr. Lucky has a favorite chair and when anyone sits in it, he will get up on the arm of the chair and push with his feet, trying to make you move.  If you do move, he will slide down to sit beside you and again push as if to say, "Get out of my chair."  Since she is limited on seating, I had no choice but to sit in his chair and as usual he began to give me his signals that he wanted me to move.

We ate our pizza and were visiting when he got up on the arm of the chair and since the subtle hint he'd been giving me wasn't working, he decided he would try a different approach.  He got very attentive and loving, wanting to get close and give me a kiss.  It was hilarious watching him as we both knew what he wanted and he was relentless in his attempt to reclaim his chair.

But it didn't work.  I remained seated and he laid on the arm of the chair giving me a look as if to say, "Don't you understand, I want my chair back."  Trying to ignore him is impossible as he will not allow you to do that.  He doesn't get mean about it, but you know he wants your attention for some reason or another.

We played our little game of I know what you want but you aren't getting it and his I want my chair back, for quite a while and then I told her I would leave and let her get back to work on her crafts.  The first thing Mr. Lucky did when I got up was settle into his chair and give us both a look as if to say, "You finally got the message."  He would blink his eyes as if he had won the battle of wills and was content.

I'm sure Mr. Lucky and I will go round and round again when I go to visit and sit in his chair.  I often wonder if he finds some enjoyment of his little interaction with me or anyone as he is always polite but very subtle and determined.

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