Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Just Things

I've always been a nostaligic person and it is hard for me to part with something once I get it.  However in all my years of marriage and moving around, I've had to part with several things.  Sometimes later I regret it but then when I think about it, they were just things and most were what are called "dust collectors."

Right now, I'm in the process of sorting out more of my "things" and it is with mixed emotions.  But I really have no need or use for them and so maybe it is time to let them go.

I think, "well maybe I might need it or might want it someday," but in reality if I haven't used it or needed it in several years, then maybe it is time for it to go. 

One thing is my collection of Christmas dinnerware.  I started collecting them when my first granddaughter was a baby.  I thought it would be so nice to make sure each of my grandchildren had a set one day when they had their own homes.  But, my daughters have their own Christmas dinnerware and will be passing it down so there really is no need for me to hang on to these that I have.  One set has never been used, the other two have only been used once or maybe twice and seeing how the first set was bought over 12 years ago, then it really isn't something I need to hold on to.

The other thing is the crystal punch bowl my parents gave us years ago.  I had used it several times in the past but for the last 23 years it has been stored in the china hutch and moved when we moved, but never used.  I always think I'll use it but I never have so guess it is time for it to go as well.

When we retired, I sold a lot of my "collections" as we didn't have the room for them in our new home.  I regret selling some of them but when I look around, I know they would have remained in the packing boxes so now I know they have a new home where they can be used or enjoyed.  I keep telling myself that it will be the same with these things that I'm ready to part with.

I know it sounds foolish to become attached to "things," but that is the way I am.  However, I know that it is time to give up some of these things and even though it is hard, it is better than leaving them sit on a shelf and become a dust collector.  Hopefully they will be "things" for someone else to enjoy and pass along.

I have the necessities that I need to get by with on a daily basis, so I tell myself if I haven't used it, then it isn't necessary and it needs to go.  But it is still hard to part with some things as they do have memories attached.  But things can go and the memories will always stay.

My mother, who is 90 years old, began giving away her "things" a few years ago.  She wanted to give something to each of her children and has given us all something that was hers.  Those things I will keep as they will be passed on to my children and grandchildren as remembrances.  But mostly what she has passed on is something that is useful or has been in the family for years.

I have a few of those things and those I will keep.  The time has come though for the rest of my "things" to go.  I can always replace them should I need to with something similiar but for now they need to go.

 After all, they are just things.

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