Today was a wonderful day that I got to spend with my oldest daughter. We woke up to rain but it stopped so we loaded her car with the rack and totes filled with her craft items and headed for Tulsa. We had a rainy trip but by the time we got there, it had let up a bit.
We set up her booth in the Made In Oklahoma Craft Mall in the Promenade Mall of Tulsa, Ok. We visited with the shop keepers and then headed out for lunch.
We had a good lunch, ate to much and knew we needed to do some exercise so was a great excuse to do some shopping.
Our first stop was at a fabric and craft store and we found a surprise. I do some crafting and have had a hard time finding ruffled lace in bulk, but we found it. In fact, we both discovered it at the same time and remarked on it and reached for a spool of it. We were delighted as now I can finish some of my projects.
She found the ribbon she needed for her crafting and then we leisurely looked at all the fall decorations they had out. Oh, it was so hard to resist but we knew we had one more stop so we were good and didn't spend all our money in one place.
Our next stop got us more of the supplies we needed and then we again took a look around the store. We checked out their fall decorations but didn't find anything we absolutely just had to have but when we rounded a corner and noticed the Christmas decorations, something caught our eye.
My grandson loves M and M's and we found the cutest tree decoration. It looks like a bag of M and M's that is open and they have spilled out. So seeing that this will be his first Christmas in his own place, we knew we had to get him something to commemerate it and have fun too. I'm sure he will be delighted with it.
We did a lot more looking and wishing but were good and again didn't buy anything we really didn't need.
But the fun part was just being together and sharing our thoughts and ideas and laughing. We just have fun being together. It was a great day with good company, as she is a best friend as well as my daughter and I enjoy just being with her.
This is a picture of her booth at the craft mall. She makes fabric covered albums, embroidered towels and bibs with the cutest sayings on them.
We look forward to these outings and will be having another one this month. It is something we both look forward too.
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