Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Rain, Rain, Beautiful Rain

This summer has been one of the hottest we have had in years as well as very dry.  The triple digit temperatures and hot sun literally dried up the earth and turned the green grass brown as well as affecting the trees, flowers and shrubs.

No matter how much water we used, the sandy soil here only acted as a heater boiling the roots below the ground and actually cooking away the shrubs and flowers.

Each time we thought we might get some rain, it seemed to veer off into another direction missing us.  It was as if someone had placed a bubble over this area and we couldn't get it to burst.

But yesterday, that bubble burst as we received over 2 inches of the most beautiful rain.  It rained off and on overnight and has been that way today.  I sang a little song all day yesterday, "it's raining, it's raining and I'm not complaining."  Even Ms Kitty and Shadow appreciated it as it also meant that I could open the doors so they could look outside.

The cooler temperature that accompanied the rain is very welcome as well.  Getting fresh air into the house and being able to cut the air conditioner is grand.

Today, I managed to slip in between the heavier showers and go to town to do my weekly shopping.  I had some light rain, but it wasn't bad and I didn't have to use the insulated bags to get the refrigerator and freezer things home.

Now, I can sit back and relax and watch as the rain falls ever so softly, bringing life back into the grass and what flowers have survived.  I can sleep through the night as the soft drops fall outside lulling me into a peaceful and deep sleep.  Yes, it is a beautiful rain and just a start for the beginning of Fall.

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