I've always had a little trouble with what was called "spring fever," when the pollen counts were up and I'd be out but not a real problem until the last few years when my doctor told me it was allergies that was causing my constant sneezing, coughing, runny nose, watery eyes thing.
WHAT? I'm to old to be suffering from allergies. I thought that was for the younger crowd. Wrong. Anyway now I have Asthma associated with the allergies so there are days when I am miserable and even worse trying to sleep.
I have an inhaler and wear a mask when I'm working outside. I hate the mask and am now called "The Masked Bandit of the Neighborhood." But it does help so I put the silly thing on. I wear it when I'm out with the trimmer, or riding on the mower and sometimes just when I'm out messing around and the pollen count is so high.
I can really sympathize with allergy suffers now as I am also one of them. But to me, it seems there are more and more these days. Maybe it is just that there are more people around and so it is more noticeable.
Kind of like food allergies. Used to be no one heard of anyone really being allergic to any foods, but then we used to grow our own and our grandmothers and mothers prepared it in their own kitchens without all the additivies that are in our prepared foods we buy at the grocery store.
And with the pesticides which are used and they are regardless of what the law says about using them. If they didn't, the crops would be eaten alive by the pests.
Another thing is that most of our fresh vegetables and some of our fruit isn't even grown in our country and allowed to grow in foreign countries with no control over pesticide use or for that matter, control over the sanitary growing conditions.
If I buy anything from the grocery store, I make sure I wash it thoroughly as I have no idea where it came from or the conditions for which it was grown. I prefer to buy locally from growers that I know so I feel safer. My husband loved to garden and we used to have a garden to grow our own, but I'm not a gardener so I have to rely on buying either prepared canned or frozen or buy from a country market if I can find one.
And we have so many different fibers in our homes and clothes. I'm sure there are many things in the fabrics that can cause allergies. It used to be that we only had cotton or cotton blends but even now some of them can cause allergic reactions.
Spring, Summer and Fall. The best seasons to get outside and enjoy ourselves and yet the worst time of the year for allergy sufferers. Seems only Winter is allergy free unless you are allergic to the wood burning in the fireplace or foods.
I guess it is just another one of those things we have in our daily lives that we have to compensate for. We take our meds and use inhalers but we aren't going to give up what we enjoy even though we know we will suffer later. Ah Choo!
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