Thursday, September 23, 2010

Progressing? Regressing?

It is a question that I often ask myself these days.  It seems since our government has deemed that they know more about what we want or how we want to live, we are not Progressing but we are Regressing.

They have reduced the size of our cars so that the safety features have all but disappeared.  With the smaller and lighter weight, they may reduce fuel usage by a couple of miles per gallon but they are a hazard and a danger.  If you look at a new car that is even in a minor crash, it is almost destroyed.  Now, if it is a major crash, the chance of injury or even death is much greater.

I'm all for conservation, but sometimes it can be carried away with fanatics and the car is just one of those fantasies.

And why can't we produce our own oil and gas in this country?  We did for years and it was a very good livilihood for several people.  Our costs were low at the pump, we had refineries that that we didn't have to pay to have it hauled halfway around the world and pay the exhorbant prices that we are forced to pay.  Not only did the oil field workers lose their jobs, the refinery workers were laid off too as refineries were closed down.  They said because the cost of upgrading would be too much.  Please!  The American people are not stupid, not when there were millions being made daily on the production.  The CEO's just didn't want to part with any of their profit.  They would rather put it in their pocket than put it back into the business.

One of the main principles of business is that the profit can only be after all the bills are paid and that also includes maintenance or even upgrading.  That is a very simple principle and common sense if they have any, should realize that you can't spend your money and then try to fix something or complain that it might cost you an extra dollar that you can't take home to spend on a fancy car or boat or a trip around the world.  Please! Get real and know your business practices.

And the government wants to control our food, either by telling us we can't buy fast food or making our work areas free of pop machines as we might have too much sugar.  Since when are they the food police.  If a person is going to eat fast food, no one is going to stop them, if they become obese, it is by their own choosing.  They need to find the will power to eliminate the fast food if they want to lose weight.

But when they begin saying, "You can't have a garden," because they are afraid you might give away or sell your excess produce, or even if you have a truck garden, then that is a no-no.  Why?  We have had gardens for years and ate from our own gardens or shared with our family, friends and neighbors.  Since when is it a crime to grow a tomato or bean on your own property for your own food source?  Since the government has decided that it will cheat the big farmer who has all the prepared foods in the grocery store.  It comes down to the bottom line again. 

We cannot have gardens to grow fresh vegetables, but yet it is perfectly all right for us to buy vegetables at the grocery store that are grown in foreign countries that have no laws in regards to use of pesticides or growing conditions.  Then when an illness breaks out, they are all flustered.  I'm really surprised more people don't get sick and die eating food that is grown outside this country.  I refuse to buy it.  I will grow my own or go without before I will by foreign grown food.

Today, a giant in the industry of this country shut down after doing business for over a century, providing us with something so simple and yet much needed.  The electric light bulb.  I really think Thomas Edison had a great idea and wanted Progress when he invented the light bulb.  It took us away from the dim light of the kerosene lamps which weren't that good and hard on the eye sight.

So today, General Electric, stating they were shutting down because of the demand of the public for the new curly Q light bulb the government is forcing on us, is no longer.  More people out of a job because some ignoramus thinks he knows what the people want. 

I feel like I might as well pull out my Great Grandfather's oil lamp and find the fuel to use it as the new light bulbs don't put off much more light than that oil lamp.

Supposedly it is a cost cutting factor.  The new bulb uses less electricity so therefore it is supposed to be better.  WRONG!!!  When you have to use more than one in close proximity just to have enough light to read or even see if you are sewing on a button, then how is that cost effective.   So you use six bulbs in the overhead instead of four just so you can see what you are doing.  Is that cost effective?  Is that Progression?

Security lights?  Forget it.  The outdoor light will be so dim, that it will almost invite unwanted visitors to your door as they can hide in the shadows much easier.

No, I think we are REGRESSING and will continue to regress as long as we allow our government to make decisions about our daily lives.  It is not PROGRESSION when jobs are removed because they feel they aren't viable or when they take the attitude that LESS IS BEST.

I am mad.  Really mad.  So I will continue to drive my older model car and I will have to pay for the high gas prices but at least I'm comfortable and feel I have a fighting chance if I should have an accident.  And I am going to buy up all the incandescent bulbs I can find so that I will have good light when I need it and I refuse to use the Curly Q that is antiquated before it ever gets started.  And I will grow my own garden and eat my own food even if I have to meet the inspectors at the gate to my private property to tell them to go away. 

I refuse to regress and I will progress the best way I know how but I will not allow anyone to tell me that I can't do something, or won't do something or how to do something as long as I am an American and I am free.

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