Saturday, September 4, 2010

Yard Sale - Day Two

I was up early after a very good night's sleep but when I did get up, I felt the chill as fall is trying hard to make itself known.  I've been waiting for the cooler weather and hoped it would come on gradual and stay long enough so that we could enjoy it.

It was chilly most of the morning and then warmed up later in the day, but still comfortable and at least we didn't have that humidity and triple digit temperatures.

It was a strange day for being a Saturday as we didn't have the early shoppers and those who did come seem to come in groups.  We would have several and then no one.  But we did sell a lot more stuff.  However, we noticed a trend.  People were buying more wisely.  They bought the cheaper items and most were buying something they could use, either a household appliance or pans, dishes or clothes.  We did sell a few of our trinkets but not all.

One lady had towels and sheet sets and sold out.  Another had several household appliances and sold out.  I sold all my pans and a desk plus an old TV as well as a few smaller things.

Again, it was a fun day with friends who just happen to be my neighbors too.  We laughed and joked and just enjoyed the beautiful day.  Spike grilled hamburgers and hot dogs on the hickory grill and made his chili for the hot dogs so we enjoyed a nice lunch which also brought on the sleepiness, causing a discussion where we could find a shady spot under the big tree to take a nap.

I did have a good nights sleep so wasn't nearly as tired as I was yesterday.  When it appeared that we wouldn't have any more customers, we began to pack up the rest of our "stuff".  It is all put in the shed to remain until next spring when my thoughts will turn to having another yard sale, having forgotten the hard work to set them up and the hours spent sitting waiting for someone to buy that "junk" I have that will be a "treasure" to them.

Yard sale, garage sales, flea markets, it really makes no difference.  We are all out looking for that special thing that we just have to have and take it home to marvel over our wonderful find and great bargain.  That is all a part of the fun of the sale for the buyer and of course the seller is quite happy with the bonus they have made to sock away or to buy that special thing they've been after.  So, they will continue and we will continue to enjoy them and take home those treasures only to put them out one day for someone else to take home the new found treasure.

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