Wednesday, October 26, 2011


1961 was a year of excitement and dreams come true for me.  And did you know that it is the only year that can be read upside down and still be 1961.

But 1961 was an exciting year as it was my senior year in high school and I was going to graduate.  It was an exciting time and yet there was a touch of sadness.  For over twelve years, I got up and went to school to learn and be with my friends and now it was going to be all over.  Oh, I would see my friends, but what would I do for the rest of the time.

I knew that I had to get a job and the idea of college was not an option as my family just couldn't afford it.  I considered a trade school but I would have to work to earn my tuition.  And as much as I hate to say it, during that time, there was not as much emphasis on young women going to school.  There were two options, go to school or get married.  That pretty much sums it up and those who went on to school were the lucky ones who could afford it and I will say they also may have had more determination to have a career.  

I wasn't interested in becoming a teacher or nurse, doctor, lawyer or having a professional career.  I wanted to be a secretary and I had the skills to do that.  But going to a trade school would give me a few more which would help with advancement but it was always what I wanted to be.

Through all the excitement of the end of the school year from our Senior Banquet to the commencement, we shared our laughter, our tears and our remembrances.  With the largest class ever to graduate from William Chrisman High School, 523 students faced a new future.

I kept in touch with a few of my closest friends for a while but as we all moved forward with our lives, we began to lose touch.  Just as we all scattered with our school, jobs and even military, we also scattered all over the country.

It was a good time but it was also a bad time during our country but we seemed to forge ahead and do what we had to do.

I made contact with an old boyfriend and as we wrote and talked on the phone, we discovered that the feelings we had years before when we were much younger were still there and on November 11, 1961 we were married.  He was in the Navy so I was one of those classmates that scattered as we moved to California to live until his discharge.

So this year brings back a lot of memories of what was going on in my life fifty years ago.  I was young and looked at the future as being bright and prosperous and I will say that it has had its ups and downs but it has been a good life.

I had two lovely daughters and now have four wonderful grandchildren.  So I've been very prosperous with my family.  

Recently my graduating class held a 50th school reunion.  I was unable to attend due to the distance and cost factor and I also discovered that most of my closest friends had either passed on or had disappeared so no one knew where they were.  It would have been nice to go back to see the school and it was one thing my husband had promised that we would do but we planned to make it a double celebration.

However, in October 2009, we got the diagnosis that he only had a short time and even with treatment, the cancer won the battle and he passed away on January 14, 2010.  The one thing he had looked forward to so much was our 50th anniversary which would be on 11-11-11.  He wanted to do something very special because of the unusual date.  I will not forget though and even if I couldn't attend my 50th school reunion, I will go visit my husband that day and I will remember and make it a special day.

But 1961 will always be a year for me to remember.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Birthday Remembrance

October 18, 1940 was my husband's birthdate.  He would have been 71 today.  

Over the years the month of October meant Birthdays to our family.  Our oldest daughter was born on Oct. 14 and the youngest on Oct. 28.  So, it was just our thing to celebrate one big birthday for all three of them.  Of course, when the girls were smaller, they did have their own parties for their special days but for the family, it was one big celebration.

Now, he is gone and the girls are scattered so today has been a quiet day but not forgotten by any means.  It is one of those days that will always be remembered and celebrated in one way or another, mainly like it has been today.  Quietly, as we remember him and the birthdays past.

I want to wish him a Happy Birthday and I know he is watching over us and knows we are thinking about him and remembering him today.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY!   I miss you and love you .

Saturday, October 1, 2011

OCTOBER -Facts & Trivia

When October arrives, we usually think it is Fall, even though the official first day of Fall is in September, somehow October just seems like the beginning of Fall, just as we think of December as the beginning of Winter.  But October has its own distinction, somewhere between late Summer and early Fall.  With the roller coaster of temperatures, it eases us into the cooler months as well as giving us a colorful exit of Summer.

October is also noted for some notable and some not so notable celebrations.  October is Class Reunion Month, Frugal Fun Month, National Crime Prevention Month, National Positive Attitude Month, National Cookie Month, National Seafood Month, National Dessert Month, National Popcorn and Popcorn Poppin' Month, National Pretzel Month, National Pork Month, National Stamp Month and National Chili Month.

Of course, we all know about Columbus Day on October 12 and Halloween on October 31.  But did you know there is also Mule Day on October 26 and Punky Night before Halloween.  Punky Night is when the pumpkins are carved and in ancient times, the children would carry the carved pumpkins throughout the village asking for candles to light them up and then they would carry them as lanterns.

More presidents were born in October than any other month: John Adams (1735), Rutherford B. Hayes (1822), Chester Arthur (1829), Theodore Roosevelt (1829), Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890) and Jimmy Carter (1924).

A few interesting facts:
Henry Ford introduced the Model T on October 1, 1908.
The first message sent between two computers in California on October 20, 1966 (The first E-Mail)
The Great Chicago Fire started on October 8, 1871 and lasted for 30 hours.
Thomas Edison had his first successful demonstration of the electric light on October 19,1879.
Sam Houston was inaugurated the First President of the Republic of Texas on October 22, 1836.
The Erie Canal opened for traffic on October 26, 1865
The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28, 1886.
The moon in the month of October is called "A Hunter's Moon."

Opal and Tourmaline are the birthstones.   Calendula is the flower. 

Folk Lore Sayings:

Rain in October
Means wind in December.

If the October moon comes without frost
expect no frost till the moon of November.

When birds and badgers are fat in October,
expect a cold winter.

When berries are many in October,
beware of a hard winter.

If ducks do slide at Hallowtide,
At Christmas they will swim.
If ducks do not slide at Hallowtide,
At Christmas they will slide.

Always will there be Twenty-Nine fine days in October

October Quote:
October gave a party;
The leaves by hundred came;
The Ashes, Oaks and Maples,
And those of every name.
Source: George Cooper - taken from World Book Millennium 2000

Happy October!