Thursday, December 3, 2020

 Our Mischievous Angel

Georgie was born in the spring of 2017.  Her mother was one of our indoor/outdoor cats and was a mischievous little monster herself.  Actually, her mother was a Tortoise that we named Varmit as a kitten as she was in to everything and Varmit seemed to fit.  But once she discovered being outdoors, she preferred it but on occasion would sneak inside and gained a new nick name--Dammit.
Varmit met a charming tomcat when she was outside who was a beautiful long haired combo of Siamese and Rag Doll.  When Varmit had kittens, she had three who looked like the tom whose name was  Curious George but called Georgie,
 When Georgie Girl was just a kitten she hurt a leg and required careful watching so we brought her inside.  
 My grandchildren treated her special and spoiled her to death.  She was a cute kitten and to this day is a cute cat but unlike her father, this rag doll has a ornery streak.  She demands attention all the time, due to the fact that the grandkids were constantly holding her or giving her attention and now they are gone but she still demands that attention.
She thinks by falling down in front of you that you will stop and pick her up and if you scoot her away, she repeats the action.
She joined the indoor family of her grandmother, Sassy and two others unrelated to her, Miss Kitty who thought she was the #1 cat and Shadow, a ragdoll with darker markings than Georgie and much more quieter and refined.
Sassy liked be the #1 cat from her previous household so between her and Miss Kitty, there was a lot of hissing and fussing going on.  Finally Miss Kitty found refuge by hiding under the covers on my bed so as not have to face her adversary.
Shadow continued his daily routine, not bothered by the constantly growling and hissing Sassy or the antics of Georgie.
If we are in the kitchen Georgie is too, right at our feet meowing, hoping she will get a bite of chicken.  Heaven forbid we use the can opener for anything else as she has a fit and has to know what it is and isn't satisfied until she knows.
Georgie loves to play and can't understand why the other cats won't play.  Now she knows she can intimidate them just by walking into the room or by them.  She loves to chase Sassy but it never turns into anything as Sassy will jump up on something to get away and Georgie loses interest.  So it is on to the next victim.  She loves to sneak into the room where Miss Kitty is and hides until Miss Kitty comes out from under the covers and then the chase is on.  However, Miss Kitty will strike back so it never goes far and George walks away like nothing has happened.
It makes no difference if Georgie has been fed, she nonchalantly walks in to where Shadow's bowl is and just noses her way in.  Shadow being the gentleman he is, backs off and watches while she nibbles away until she is caught and chased off.
Then she sits around the corner just waiting for another chance.
She can be a loving cat if she wants to be, but she prefers to see what kind of trouble she can get in to.  She likes to get on the dining room chairs and play with the table cloth and has poked holes in it.
But the fun part comes at night when she has to go to my daughter's room for the night, this is for the protection of the other cats that she has to sleep behind a closed door which she hates.  So we have to come up with ideas on catching the "white rat" as we call her.  She hides under the table or the sofa or behind a chair hoping we can't get her.
Sometimes we flip the can opener on hoping she will think it is chicken and come up to the kitchen and sometimes it works but when it doesn't, then the hunt is on.  My daughter and I team up to try to catch the little rat.  She is clever and fast so sometimes it takes a while and a lot of coaxing.  We try chicken, pieces of cheese or whatever gets her attention to get her to come out into the open enough that we can grab her.
Now sometimes she doesn't realize it is bed time and will rub up against us if we are in the kitchen so we just scoop her up.  She gives us a look and then playfully tries to bite.
She has a sweet little face and a little voice that goes with it.  She never meows loud, but is a soft mew sound, almost as if it is a loud purr.
She is aptly named as is a lot like her daddy when it comes to curiosity.  We think maybe her daddy was taken in by someone or crossed the rainbow bridge as he doesn't come around anymore but we have his offspring to remind us of his gentle soul and hopefully one day she will become a gentle loving rag doll and live up to her breed.
Her mother disappeared also and we are pretty sure she crossed the rainbow bridge, unknown how but she liked to roam and we have predators and cars that speed by so we don't know, only that she isn't here anymore.
I'm sure she would be proud of her little "varmit" who loves to get into things and has fun chasing the other cats. 


Fall is not my favorite time of the year.  But it brings so many changes from day to day.

The days grow shorter while the evenings bring a cool crispness to the air.

The leaves of some trees display their brilliant color while others only offer a dull brown.

It is a short lived scene as the harsh north winds begin to blow.

Just as you blow out a candle, the winds blow the leaves from their branches.

The barren branches stretch towards the sky with nothing to hide.

The winds swirl the leaves towards the ground, moving them from left to right.

The pretty flowers of Summer now lie wilted in their pots, Roses from the garden drooping.

The beauty of Spring and Summer have disappeared leaving a dull and barren landscape.

Oh, how I long for the warm days of Summer, the beauty of the Roses and flowers.

Fall has arrived preparing us for the Winter with its freezing temperatures, ice and snow.

Time to huddle inside with hot cocoa and a fire's warming glow.

(c) 2020